
Ebook-Metabolism At A Glance, J. G. Salway


Book Description
Metabolism at a Glance is a complete review course of metabolism in health and disease and offers a unique approach to the study of this difficult discipline.Metabolism is a complicated subject involving complex molecules and interrelated pathways. These metabolic pathways are usually taught separately with the result that the student develops a detailed but compartmentalised approach to metabolism and frequently fails to see the overall picture and its physiological significance.Using the at a Glance format, the book takes the student through a complete course in intermediary metabolism in an integrated manner. The same chart is repeated throughout the book with the individual pathway under study highlighted.The book is an ideal text for introductory biochemistry courses and has established itself as an enormously popular book amongst lecturers and students alike. This third edition is fully updated and includes five new chapters:1. Metabolic Channelling2. Glucose homeostasis and Reye's Disease3. Pentose phosphate pathway and the prodcution of NADPH4. Tryptophan metabolism in health and disease5. Tyrosine metabolism in health and disease --This text refers to the Paperback edition.

Book Info
Univ. of Surrey, Guildford, UK. Introduction to mammalian intermediary metabolism. For basic science and medical students. Intended as a companion to biochemistry texts. Includes inborn errors of metabolism, chapters on porphyrins, cholesterol and sports/exercise metabolism, and revised information on diabetes. Previous edition: c1994. Trim size: 13.5 x 11.5 inches. Softcover.

Product Details
Paperback: 111 pages
Publisher: Blackwell Publishers; 2nd edition (August 15, 1999)
Language: English
ISBN: 0632052740
Size: 86 MB
Format: PDF
Price: $36.95


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