
Ebook Atlas of Regional Anesthesia, 3/e 2005

Publisher: Saunders
Number Of Pages: 480
Publication Date: 2005-11-15
Sales Rank: 31531
ISBN / ASIN: 1416022392
EAN: 9781416022398
Binding: Hardcover
Manufacturer: Saunders
Studio: Saunders
Average Rating: 4.5

The fully updated and revised 3rd edition of this one-of-a-kind, full-color atlas helps you perform nerve blocks accurately and successfully in all regions of the body. Step-by-step illustrations demonstrate each technique in a simple, easy-to-follow manner. An emphasis on cross-sectional anatomy, illustrations of gross and surface anatomy, and CT and MRI scans help you develop a three-dimensional concept of anatomy essential to successful regional anesthesia administration.

HTML with Contents and active Links
49 MB rar


Ebook For Vitamins In Foods: Analysis, Bioavailability, and Stability (Food Science and Technology)

Publisher: CRC
Number Of Pages: 824
Publication Date: 2005-11-01
Sales Rank: 1104242
ISBN / ASIN: 1574448048
EAN: 9781574448047
Binding: Hardcover
Manufacturer: CRC
Studio: CRC
Vitamins in Foods: Analysis, Bioavailability, and Stability presents information on vitamin chemistry, absorption, and metabolism. The contents of the book is divided into two parts to facilitate accessibility and understanding. Part I, Properties of Vitamins, discusses the effects of food processing on vitamin retention, the physiology of vitamin absorption, and the physiochemical properties of individual vitamins. Factors affecting vitamin bioavailability are also discussed in detail. The second part, Analysis of Vitamins, describes the principles of analytical methods and provides detailed methods for depicting individual vitamins in foods.


eBook Robotic Radiosurgery.Treating Tumors that Move with Respiration

Robotic Radiosurgery.Treating Tumors that Move with Respiration

Publisher: Springer
Number Of Pages: 320
Publication Date: 2007-07
Sales Rank: 582036
ISBN / ASIN: 354069885X
EAN: 9783540698852
Binding: Hardcover
Manufacturer: Springer
Studio: Springer

This volume in the Robotic Radiosurgery series is devoted to the theory and practice in the emerging field of stereotactic radiosurgery for extracranial tumors, particularly those that move as patients breathe. Special attention is given to the frameless robotic radiosurgery device known as the CyberKnife. Moving tumors are treated with the CyberKnife using a revolutionary new tool, called the Synchrony® Respiratory Tracking System, which can track moving tumors in real time. Detailed information is provided on the technology and methodology for delivery of high doses of radiation to moving targets, radiobiological and radiological principles, and the challenges faced by clinicians performing extracranial stereotactic radiosurgery. Furthermore, there are thorough reviews of the general clinical literature on stereotactic radiation treatment of tumors of the lungs, liver, and pancreas, and the latest clinical data from clinicians conducting clinical studies using the CyberKnife® Robotic Radiosurgery System.



Generic Drug Formulations

A selection of about 500 formulations of human and veterinary drugs are presented in this booklet. They have all been developed in the last 20 years in the Applications Laboratories of BASF AG and are in solid, liquid, and semi-solid form. However, emphasis is placed on tablets. Human and veterinary medicines have not been dealt with in separate chapters, because the technologies and excipients are the same



Photoshop User Magazine ?June 2007

Photoshop User Magazine ?June 2007
PDF | English | 60.9 Mb



Health E-book:Weight Training For Dummies, 3rd Edition

By Liz Neporent, Suzanne Schlosberg, Shirley J. Archer
ISBN: 978-0-471-76845-6
Format: PDF
Pages: 408 Pages
Pub. Date: March 2006
Weight Training For Dummies, 3rd Edition

A properly executed strength or weight lifting regimen can lower your blood pressure and cholesterol levels, stabilize your blood sugar, reduce the risk of heart disease, increase your strength, and more. Weight Training For Dummies, Third Edition, is packed with all the information you need to start your own personalized weight training program and get yourself into peak condition fast. You’ll find out about:

* Circuit and resistance training
* 20-minute weight training routines
* The newest and best weight training equipment
* Combining weight training with other exercise
* Gender differences in weight training goals and routines
* Specific approaches for baby boomers and seniors just starting out
* Using weight training to address specific health conditions
* Preventing injuries
* Weight training for children and teens

If you’re getting pumped about weight training, don’t delay. Buy Weight Training for Dummies, Third Edition today, and you’ll be in shape in no time!

Weight Training For Dummies, 3rd Edition (Password: mainp)

Language eBook The Pronunciation of English

A Course Book
By Charles W. Kreidler
Blackwell Publishing


Each of the 14 chapters begins with one or more paragraphs which are intended to tell briefly the content of the chapter. Each ends with a summary, which briefly reviews the content of the chapter and also tries to show the importance of what has been treated, or to describe some problems in analyzing not taken up within the chapter. The last section, called Notes, suggests readings in other books for those who want to extend their exploration of these topics. Linguistics, like every academic discipline, has its own technical terms, and some of them are used in this book. These terms are in bold print when they are first introduced. Some of the terms, such as suffix, may already be familiar to you; some, like allophone, are likely to be new; and some will probably be familiar to you but you will find that they are used here in a more specialized way; accent, assimilation, and stop are examples. The Glossary provides definitions or explanations, with examples.

The Pronunciation of English


Advanced IQ Tests

By Philip Carter,
The toughest practice questions to test your lateral thinking, problem solving and reasoning skills
ISBN 978 0 7494 5232 2
2008 by Kogan Page Limited


In several of my earlier Kogan Page titles I have provided readers with the opportunity to obtain a greater understanding of IQ testing by means of practice tests in which readers have been able to familiarize themselves with the type of questions they are likely to encounter when taking such tests.
In this book I have retained some of the question types that have appeared in my previous books but have also introduced several new types of questions designed to measure an advanced level of numerical, verbal and spatial ability, as well as questions involving the use of logical analysis, lateral thinking and problem-solving abilities. The object of this book, therefore, is to present readers with an even greater challenge in which the 12 separate tests have a higher than usual overall degree of difficulty.

Advanced IQ Tests

How to Price: A Guide to Pricing Techniques and Yield Management

By Oz Shy
Cambridge University Press
ISBN-13 978-0-511-39467-6
ISBN-13 978-0-521-88759-5


This book focuses on pricing techniques that enable firms to enhance their profits.This book, however, cannot provide a complete recipe for success in marketing a certain product as this type of recipe, if it existed, would depend on a very large number of factors that cannot be analyzed in a single book. However, what this book does offer is a wide variety of pricing methods by which firms can enhance their revenue and profit. Such pricing strategies constitute part of the field called yield management. As explained and discussed in Section 1.3, throughout this book we will be using the term yield management (YM) to mean profit management and profit maximization, as opposed to the more commonly used term revenue management (RM).

How to Price: A Guide to Pricing Techniques and Yield Management


Oxford Dictionary of Quotations

What is a “quotation”? It is a saying or piece of writing that strikes people as so true or memorable that they quote it (or allude to it) in speech or writing. Often they will quote it directly, introducing it with a phrase like “As——says” but equally often they will assume that the reader or listener already knows the quotation, and they will simply allude to it without mentioning its source (as in the headline “A rosè is a rosè is a rosè,” referring obliquely to a line by Gertrude Stein).
This dictionary has been compiled from extensive evidence of the quotations that are actually used in this way. The dictionary includes the commonest quotations which were found in a collection of more than 200,000 citations assembled by combing books, magazines, and newspapers. For example, our collections contained more than thirty examples each for Edward Heath’s “unacceptable face of capitalism” and Marshal McLuhan’s “The medium is the message,” so both these quotations had to be included.

Oxford Dictionary of Quotations
Download Oxford Dictionary of Quotations

Oxford Thesaurus

An A-Z Dictionary of Synonyms

In its narrowest sense, a synonym is a word or phrase that is perfectly substitutable in a context for another word or phrase. People who study language professionally agree that there is no such thing as an ideal synonym, for it is virtually impossible to find two words or phrases that
are identical in denotation (meaning), connotation, frequency, familiarity, and appropriateness. Indeed, linguists have long noted the economy of language, which suggests that no language permits a perfect fit, in all respects, between any two words or phrases. Many examples of overlapping can be cited; the more obvious ones in English are those that reflect a duplication arising from Germanic and Romance sources, like motherly and maternal, farming and agriculture, teach and instruct. In such pairs the native English form is often the one with an earthier, warmer connotation. In some instances, where a new coinage or a loanword has been adopted inadvertently duplicating an existing term, creating 'true' synonyms, the two will quickly diverge, not necessarily in meaning but in usage, application, connotation, level, or all of these. For example, scientists some years ago expressed dissatisfaction with the term tidal wave, for the phenomenon was not caused by tides but, usually, by submarine seismic activity. The word tsunami was borrowed from Japanese in an attempt to describe the phenomenon more accurately, but it was later pointed out the tsunami means 'tidal wave' in Japanese. Today, the terms exist side by side in English, the older expression still in common use, the newer more frequent in the scientific and technical literature.

Oxford Thesaurus

Webster’s New World Hacker Dictionary

Bernadette Schell and Clemens Martin


This book attempts to take a novel approach to the presentation and understanding of a controversial topic in modern-day society: hacking versus cracking. The perception of this bi-modal activity is as controversial as the process itself—with many in society confusing the positive attributes of hackers with the criminal activities of crackers.This dictionary tries to balance the two sides of the equation: the White Hat or the positive side of hacking with the Black Hat or the negative side of cracking.
This dictionary is written for general readers, students who want to learn about hackers and crackers, and business leaders who want to become more knowledgeable about the IT security field to keep their enterprises financially stable and to be proactive against intrusive cyber-attackers.

Webster’s New World Hacker Dictionary

The Foolish Dictionary

Gideon Wurdz

In this age of the arduous pursuit of peace, prosperity and pleasure, the smallest contribution to the gaiety, if not to the wisdom, of nations can scarcely be unwelcome. With this in mind, the author has prepared "The Foolish Dictionary," not in serious emulation of the worthier--and wordier--works of Webster and Worcester, but rather in the playful spirit of the parodist, who would gladly direct the faint rays from his flickering candle of fun to the shrine of their great memories. With half a million English words to choose from, modesty has been the watchword, and the author has confined himself to the treatment of only about half a thousand. How wise, flippant, sober or stupid, this treatment has been, it is for the reader alone to judge.
However, if from epigram, derivative or pure absurdity, there be born a single laugh between the lids, the laborer will accredit himself worthy of his hire. In further explanation it should be said that some slight deference has been made to other wits, and the definitions include a few quotations from the great minds of the past and present. As for the rest, the jury will please acknowledge a plea of guilty from GIDEON WURDZ.

The Foolish Dictionary

People on People:The Oxford Dictionary of Biographical Quotations

There is only one thing in the world worse than being talked about,and that is not being talked about,’ said Oscar Wilde. This collection of quotations brings together what all sorts of people have had to say about each other: whether admiring, disapproving, cruel, or just witty.
Most of the quotations are from people who are just as famous as the people they are talking about. So Albert Einstein describes Marie Curie as ‘very intelligent, but as cold as a herring’, Danny Blanchflower talks about George Best who has ‘ice in his veins, warmth in his heart, and timing and balance in his feet’, and Pablo Casals comments on Jacqueline du Pré: ‘Oh, I like it—she moves with the music.’ But in real life people do not restrict themselves to their own field: Oscar Wilde talks about Chopin and John Stuart Mill as well as more obvious targets such as Aubrey Beardsley and George Bernard Shaw. John Milton talks about ‘the famous Galileo grown old’, Martin Luther thinks Copernicus ‘will turn the whole art of astronomy inside out’, and Bob Dylan ‘learned as much from Cézanne as . . . from Woody Guthrie.

Download People on People:
The Oxford Dictionary of Biographical Quotations
People on People:The Oxford Dictionary of Biographical Quotations

NTC’s Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions

Third edition
By Richard A. Spears, Ph.D.
ISBN 0-07-139204-1


This dictionary is a collection of slang and colloquial expressions in frequent use in the United States in the twentieth century. It contains expressions that are familiar to many Americans and other expressions that are used primarily within small groups of people. The entries represent the language of the underworld, the nursery, the college campus, California beaches, urban back streets, and Wall Street. We hear from prisoners, surfers, junkies, Valley Girls, blacks, weight lifters, and just plain folks. Fad words, metaphors, wordplay, and various figures of speech make up the body of the dictionary.

NTC’s Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions

Portable Dictionary 7 languages


Portable Dictionary 7 languages

The Oxford Dictionary of New Words

Oxford University Press
ISBN-10: 0198602359

This is the first dictionary entirely devoted to new words and meanings to have been published by the Oxford University Press. It follows in the tradition of the Supplement to the Oxford English Dictionary in attempting to record the history of some recent additions to the language, but, unlike the Supplement, it is necessarily very selective in the words, phrases, and meanings whose stories it sets out to tell and it stands as an independent work, unrelated (except in the resources it draws upon) to the Oxford English Dictionary.

The Oxford Dictionary of New Words

Dictionary of Finical and Business Terms

By Roberto de Paula Lico Júnior

Dictionary of Finical and Business Terms

Concise Oxford English Dictionary: 11th Edition

# Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA; 11 edition (January 20, 2005)
# Language: English
# ISBN-10: 0198610025


Authoritative and up to date, this eleventh edition of the Concise Oxford English Dictionary on WindowsRG CD-ROM contains over 240,000 words, phrases, and definitions, including all the latest new words. It offers rich vocabulary coverage, with full treatment of World English, rare, historical, and archaic terms, as well as scientific and technical vocabulary, and provides hundreds of helpful notes on grammar and usage. This electronic version of the dictionary offers full-text search functionality, instant look-up from WindowsRG documents, including email and the Web, high-quality spoken pronunciations for thousands of words, and interactive educational word games, making it ideal for family, school, or office use. New to this edition is a fascinating Word Histories feature, telling the often bizarre stories of the origins and development of hundreds of words. For example, did you know that the word grammar is related to glamour, or that cockney used to mean a spoilt child? This dictionary also contains full appendices on topics such as alphabets, currencies, electronic English, and the registers of language, from formal to slang, plus a useful Guide to Good English with advice on grammar, punctuation, and spelling. In addition, the electronic edition is Curriculum Online accredited, so it is government approved for use in the classroom from Key Stage 3 upwards.

Concise Oxford English Dictionary: 11th Edition

The Oxford Dictionary of Allusions

By Andrew Delahunty
Sheila Dignen, and
Penny Stock
ISBN 0-19-860031-3


An allusion may be defined as the mention of the name of a real person, historical event, or literary character which is not simply a straightforward reference (as in 'Hercules was an ancient Greek hero') but which conjures up some extra meaning, embodying some quality or characteristic for which the word has come to stand. So, we can describe a miser as a Scrooge, a strong man as a Hercules, a beautiful woman as a Venus. The Oxford Dictionary of Allusions aims to identify and explain many such allusions used in English and to illustrate their use by quotations from a variety of literary works and other texts. In the style of a thesaurus the entries are grouped thematically under such headings as Anger, Change, Dreams, Explorers, and Revenge.

The Oxford Dictionary of Allusions

Super Mini Phrasal Verb Dictionary

Second Edition
Richard A. Spears, Ph.D.


Phrasal verbs, also called two-word verbs, are idiomatic expressions wherein the second element of the verb (the adverb or particle) is not necessarily predictable. For instance, why the word up in call up a friend? Why not say call on a friend or call in a friend? Actually, those are three separate, unpredictable combinations, and they each mean something completely different. For example, you can call up a friend on the telephone, call on a friend to visit a friend’s home, and call in a friend to come help you with something.

This dictionary is a compilation of 1,800 phrasal verbs consisting of either a transitive or intransitive verb and its particle or adverb. In many cases, additional prepositional phrases are shown as part of the entry, but the dictionary focuses on phrasal or two-word verbs. This second edition of the basic phrasal verb collection is based on McGraw-Hill’s Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. The format of the dictionary is designed to provide the information needed by learners who are attempting to read and write conventional American English.

Super Mini Phrasal Verb Dictionary

The International Dictionary of Marketing

Over 1,000 Professional Terms and Techniques
By Daniel Yadin
ISBN 0 7494 3532 1


You will find this Dictionary very practical, with text designed as a guide on a dayto- day level. It can help you in two ways. First, it uses language that people actually speak, and helps to make clearer much of the jargon used in marketing. Two examples: you read in a marketing magazine about FMCG; but the author, assuming that everybody knows what this means, fails to explain it. The Dictionary comes to your aid. In a marketing textbook, you come across a term that the author uses and discusses, but which you still cannot fully appreciate. The Dictionary may help to resolve this.
Second, on an even more pragmatic level, it explains marketing practices and procedures. You may, for example, be interested in how the monitoring of Web site hits is carried out. The Dictionary comes to the rescue by explaining ABC// electronic monitoring. Or, you may be undecided whether to use litho or flexography for a catalogue or brochure. The Dictionary helps you to make up your mind, and to understand what your printer is saying.

The International Dictionary of Marketing

McGraw-Hill’s Essential Phrasal Verb Dictionary

Second Edition
Richard A. Spears, Ph.D.


Phrasal verbs, also called two-word verbs, are idiomatic expressions wherein the second element of the verb (the adverb or particle) is not necessarily predictable. For instance, why the word up in call up a friend? Why not say call on a friend or call in a friend? Actually, those are three separate, unpredictable combinations, and they each mean something completely different. For example, you can call up a friend on the telephone, call on a friend to visit a friend’s home, and call in a friend to come help you with something.
This dictionary is a compilation of 1,800 phrasal verbs consisting of either a transitive or intransitive verb and its particle or adverb. In many cases, additional prepositional phrases are shown as part of the entry, but the dictionary focuses on phrasal or two-word verbs. This second edition of the basic phrasal verb collection is based on McGraw-Hill’s Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. The format of the dictionary is designed to provide the information needed by learners who are attempting to read and write conventional American English.

Download McGraw-Hill’s Essential Phrasal Verb Dictionary

Dictionary of Banking and Finance

Third edition
Published by Peter Collin Publishing
ISBN-13: 978 0 7136 7739 3
es are given to show how the words may be used in context. In some cases, the definitions are expanded by explanatory comments. We also give qutoations from newspapers and financial magazines from various parts of the world. The supplements at the back of the book offer additional information.

Dictionary of Banking and Finance

Oxford Collocations Dictionary for Students of English

By Diana Lea
912 pages
Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA (December 12, 2002)
ISBN-10: 0194312437
ISBN-13: 978-0194312431

A definite need at CAE and IELTS level. A useful tool for improving writing.A completely new type of dictionary that will help students write and speak natural-sounding English.

Download Oxford Collocations Dictionary for Students of



Nancy Friday is an author who has written on the topics of female sexuality and liberation.

Her writings argue that women have often been reared under an ideal of womanhood which was outdated and restrictive, and largely unrepresentative of many women's true inner lives, and that openness about women's hidden lives could help free women to truly feel able to enjoy being themselves. She asserts that this is not due to deliberate malice, but due to social expectation, and that for women's and men's benefit alike it is healthier that both be able to be equally open, participatory and free to be accepted for who and what they are.

1. Forbidden Flowers

2. Men In Love

3. My Secret Garden

4. Women On Top

5. My.Romantic Love Stories

Cambridge English Phrasal Verbs In Use Intermediate

208 pages
Publisher: Cambridge University Press (January 26, 2004)
ISBN-10: 0521527279
ISBN-13: 978-0521527279


English Phrasal Verbs in Use is a comprehensive reference and practice book suitable for students from good intermediate level onwards. Over 1000 of the most useful and frequent phrasal verbs are clearly explained and practised in typical contexts. The material is designed for self-study, as well as classroom use, and has a student-friendly answer key. The book has 70 two-page units. The verbs are presented on the left-hand page and are practised on the facing right-hand page. The verbs are divided into units by topic, function, concept, particle and verb. The language is presented in various ways, often in tables, showing the phrasal verbs in a range of natural contexts such as everyday dialogues, e-mails, cartoons and newspaper extracts. The book includes an invaluable mini dictionary, listing each verb with an easy-to-understand definition. This book is particularly useful for students preparing for a range of examinations.

Cambridge English Phrasal Verbs In Use


Powerhouse Marketing Plans

14 Outstanding Real-Life Plans and What You Can Learn from Them to Supercharge Your Own Campaigns
By Winslow ‘‘Bud’’ Johnson
ISBN 0-8144-7219-2


This book will help you write an effective marketing plan by showing you what others have done to make their marketing plans succeed. Whether you’re writing a marketing plan for a brand-new business, launching a new product, or branching out into a new product line or market you can learn a great deal from the experience of others.
This book will review some of the key characteristics that differentiate successful marketing ventures from unsuccessful ones. Throughout the book, you will learn the main reasons that marketing ventures, and new products, have succeeded.

Powerhouse Marketing Plans

blink- The Power of Thinking

By Malcolm Gladwell (The author of Tipping Point)
Publisher: Back Bay Books (April 3, 2007)
ISBN-10: 0316010669
ISBN-13: 978-0316010665


Blink is about the first two seconds of looking--the decisive glance that knows in an instant. Gladwell, the best-selling author of The Tipping Point, campaigns for snap judgments and mind reading with a gift for translating research into splendid storytelling. Building his case with scenes from a marriage, heart attack triage, speed dating, choking on the golf course, selling cars, and military maneuvers, he persuades readers to think small and focus on the meaning of "thin slices" of behavior. The key is to rely on our "adaptive unconscious"--a 24/7 mental valet--that provides us with instant and sophisticated information to warn of danger, read a stranger, or react to a new idea.

blink- The Power of Thinking

Fearless Interview : How to Win the Job by Communicating with Confidence

By Marky Stein
2003 by McGraw-Hill


Have you ever felt jittery before an interview? Nervous or even terrified? Have you ever wished you had answered a question differently or negotiated your salary more skillfully? Do you panic when you imagine the possibility of “failure”? Do you just want to make sure you get it right the first time? Let’s face it. Interviews are not like normal conversations. Being interviewed can be scary, even for ordinarily outgoing people.
When you’re sitting in the hot seat, the interviewer is an authority figure, and he or she has all or most of the power in the interview. Guess what? Studies show that more than 60 percent of interviewers have never been trained in the task of interviewing. Most of these managers report that they feel “nervous, anxious, confused, stressed” and even “incompetent” when taking on the responsibility of conducting a job interview.

Fearless Interview : How to Win the Job by Communicating with Confidence

The Bible on Leadership

From Moses to Matthew—Management Lessons for Contemporary Leaders
By Lorin Woolfe
AMACOM books
ISBN 0-8144-0682-3


"The Bible," leadership development consultant Lorin Woolfe contends, is the "greatest collection of leadership case studies ever written." He postulates that Biblical tales provide modern managers with "tremendously useful and insightful lessons," because these ancient stories "form some of the major archetypes of our collective consciousness."

This well-researched book is rich with anecdotes from both antiquity and modernity illustrating both good and bad leadership. You'll find King David and Bill Gates; Queen Esther and Anita Roddick; Jesus and Jack Welch.

In drawing parallels between the leadership challenges chronicled in the Bible and those faced by today's leaders, Woolfe concludes that successful leadership, then and now, derives from a set of ten "traits and skills."

The Bible on Leadership

Marketing Unwrapped

By Ray Perry
224 pages
Publisher: Wiley;
ISBN-10: 0471486949
ISBN-13: 978-0471486947
Marketing Unwrapped


"Key skills for marketers in the 21st century, which we have now cautiously embarked upon, conjures up images of great technological advances, of a world utterly transformed, a world perhaps ultimately dominated by Artificial Intelligence. This book thankfully does not indulge in the whole "what might be" debate, but instead sensibly takes a long hard look at where marketing stands today, setting out the key skills marketers must master to succeed over the next decade or so.

Written by CIM's Director of Marketing, Ray Perry, in a very accessible, sometimes amusing manner, the book outlines the evolution of marketing basics in the 20th century before swiftly moving on to the issues that face the 21st century marketer. These range from the proliferation of media and the choices this now presents the marketer, to consumers' concerns over privacy and data protection. These and other key themes are outlined, demonstrating how they will impact and shape the marketing function. What becomes clear is that in order to succeed in the future, "marketers will need to be flexible, adaptable and multi-skilled". Pan-marketing, measuring metrics, knowledge management, CRM and integrated supply chain management will all be important, and it is likely many of them will become specialist marketing roles in their own right.

Marketing Unwrapped

Leadership for the Common Good

Tackling Public Problems in a Shared-Power World
Second Edition
By Barbara C. Crosby, John M. Bryson
2005 by John Wiley & Sons,
ISBN 0-7879-6753-X


"This important book provides strategies for converting public ideas into necessary public action. It will help leaders in every arena to renew our collective commitment to the common good, one of our most urgent responsibilities to the future."

--Robert H. Bruininks, president, University of Minnesota

Leadership for the Common Good

Marketing Research for Managers

Third Edition
By Sunny Crouch and Matthew Housden

The purpose of this guide is to enable managers to become more informed research users and buyers; the more managers know about how marketing research works, the more effective they can be in using it as a management tool.

Download Marketing Research for Managers

Mind Your Manners

The book is based on interviews with managers working in countries other than their own, seminars and workshops I have conducted throughout Europe and the US, web-based attitude surveys, and my own experience of 15 years with an American bank. It is not meant to be a book for scholars but for people who deal with cultural differences in their working day. I have excluded anything that the people I spoke to think is irrelevant.The country chapters, for example, are not written to a formula.This is because in some countries aspects of history or geography or behavior are more relevant to understanding people than in others.

Download Mind Your Manners


The New Reality of Wall Street

An Investor’s Survival Guide to Triple Waterfalls and Other Stock Market Perils
Donald G. M. Coxe


Coxe describes the spectacular rise and fall of technology and telecom stocks as a "Triple Waterfall," a technical analyst's term for a classic boom-and-bust event. In events like these, vast amounts of wealth change hands from investors to those who profit from the bubble, in this case the upper management of dot-coms and the like who cashed in big at the top by selling stock and exercising stock options. According to Coxe, "Triple Waterfalls aren't mere bubbles, they are financial pandemics that take not months, not years, but decades to run their course." His analyses place investors in the 10- to 12-year "final long-term collapse phase," a treacherous climate most today have never experienced, so few have a clue as how to survive, much less profit in these times. After a reasonable discussion of economic theory, Coxe lays out an investment survival strategy for this environment that includes a consistent approach of diversification and maintenance of an acceptable, if not spectacular, rate of return.
David Siegfried

Download The New Reality of Wall Street

All New Tricks for Trainers

57 tricks and techniques to grab and hold the attention of any audience and gets magical results
By Dave Arch
ISBN 0-87425-448-5


How do your participants expect you to open your training sessions? How do they expect you to close? How do they expect you to deliver your content in the body of the session? How do they expect you to review? These are important questions every trainer should ask . . . and answer.
Then . . . DON’T!
By that I mean, don’t open the way they expect you to, don’t close in the manner they’ve become accustomed to, don’t play into their expectations if you desire to maximize their attention and retention! Have the courage to use the element of surprise and curiosity to keep positive energy flowing throughout the session.
Between the covers of this book you’ll find 57 new ways to open, close, and energize training sessions, taken from my monthly “Tricks For Trainers” column in the Creative Training Techniques Newsletter.

Download All New Tricks for Trainers

Market Neutral Strategies

ISBN: 0-471-26868-2
Published by John Wiley & Sons,
By Bruce I. Jacobs and Kenneth N. Levy


“Bruce Jacobs and Ken Levy have done a masterful job of collecting information useful to market neutral investors. The presentation is clear and concise. The topics covered are wide-ranging and up to date, including the current hot topic of alpha transport. My favorite features are the unique question-and-answer sections, which provide answers to typical investor questions in an easily accessible format. Anyone who plans to invest in market neutral strategies should read this book.”
__Brian Bruce, Editor-In-Chief, The Journal of Investing

Download Market Neutral Strategies

The Little Book That Beats the Market

By Joel Greenblatt
Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,2006
ISBN-13 978-0-471-73306-5
ISBN-10 0-471-73306-7


This book was originally inspired by my desire to give each of my five children a gift. I figured if I could teach them how to make money for themselves, then I would be giving them a great gift—truly one that would keep giving. I also figured that if I could explain how to make money in terms that even my kids could understand (the ones already in sixth and eighth grades, anyway), then I could pretty much teach anyone how to be a successful stock market investor.

While the concepts covered in this book may seem simple—perhaps too simple for sophisticated investors— each step along the way is there for a reason. Stay with it, and I assure you the payoff for both beginning and experienced investors will be huge. After more than 25 years of investing professionally and after 9 years of teaching at an Ivy League business school, I am convinced of at least two things:
1. If you really want to “beat the market,” most professionals and academics can’t help you, and
2. That leaves only one real alternative: You must do it yourself.

Download The Little Book That Beats the Market

Options and Options Trading

A Simplified Course that Takes You from Coin Tosses to Black-Scholes
2004 by The McGraw-Hill


This book is about learning options the easy way. That does not mean it will be a breeze, for anything worth knowing cannot properly be learned via speed-reading. It just means that there is a difficult, complex way to learn options (one that requires a Ph.D. in math) and an easier, more basic way for those of us who don’t consider ourselves math geniuses. We are going to present the more basic course, and we think we can teach it better than anyone else has been able to. We also believe that a lot more people would learn options if they had the opportunity to learn about them in this simplified fashion.

Download Options and Options Trading

Mechanical Trading Systems

Pairing Trader Psychology with Technical Analysis
2005 by Richard L. Weissman
John Wiley & Sons, Inc


Critics of books on trading system development suggest that no one would give away a successful trading system and that if a profitable system were given away, it would no longer work since everyone would be using it. Such criticism suggests a naivete regarding market dynamics and trader psychology. This book argues that the primary reason for failure as a speculator is a lack of disciplined adherence to successful trading and price risk management strategies as opposed to an inability to discover profitable trading methodologies. The text shows that the development of rock-solid discipline is among the most challenging endeavors to which a trader can aspire. If this were not the case, anyone could master discipline and there would be no financial rewards associated with successful speculation.

Download Mechanical Trading Systems

Come Into My Trading Room

A Complete Guide to Trading
By Dr. Alexander Elder
Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


How long will it take you to become a competent trader and how much will it cost? What rules do you set, what methods do you use, and how do you split your trading capital? What should you study first, second, and third? What markets should you trade, and how much money can you expect to make? If these questions interest you, you picked the right book. You can succeed in trading. It has been done before, and it’s being done right now, today, by people who started from scratch, learned to trade and are making a good living at it. The best ones make fortunes. Others fail, out of ignorance or lack of discipline. If you work through this book, ignorance will not be a problem, and you will hear me yell at you again and again, pointing you towards disciplined, responsible, professional trading.

Download Come Into My Trading Room


Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity

288 pages
Publisher: Viking Adult; 1 edition (January 4, 2001)
ISBN-10: 0670899240
ISBN-13: 978-0670899241


With first-chapter allusions to martial arts, "flow," "mind like water," and other concepts borrowed from the East (and usually mangled), you'd almost think this self-helper from David Allen should have been called Zen and the Art of Schedule Maintenance.

Not quite. Yes, Getting Things Done offers a complete system for downloading all those free-floating gotta-do's clogging your brain into a sophisticated framework of files and action lists--all purportedly to free your mind to focus on whatever you're working on. However, it still operates from the decidedly Western notion that if we could just get really, really organized, we could turn ourselves into 24/7 productivity machines. (To wit, Allen, whom the New Economy bible Fast Company has dubbed "the personal productivity guru," suggests that instead of meditating on crouching tigers and hidden dragons while you wait for a plane, you should unsheathe that high-tech saber known as the cell phone and attack that list of calls you need to return.)

As whole-life-organizing systems go, Allen's is pretty good, even fun and therapeutic. It starts with the exhortation to take every unaccounted-for scrap of paper in your workstation that you can't junk, The next step is to write down every unaccounted-for gotta-do cramming your head onto its own scrap of paper. Finally, throw the whole stew into a giant "in-basket"

Download Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity

Oxford Collocations Dictionary for Students of English

By Diana Lea
912 pages
Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA (December 12, 2002)
ISBN-10: 0194312437
ISBN-13: 978-0194312431

A definite need at CAE and IELTS level. A useful tool for improving writing.A completely new type of dictionary that will help students write and speak natural-sounding English.

Download Oxford Collocations Dictionary for Students of

Telephoning in English

By B. Jean Naterop, Rod Revell
Cambridge University Press; 3 edition (August 16, 2004)
ISBN-10: 0521539110
ISBN-13: 978-0521539111


Telephoning in English is for professionals and trainees in business, commerce and administration who need to be able to receive and make telephone calls. It is suitable for use in class or for self-study. Telephoning in English develops and consolidates practical telephone skills in a variety of interesting and relevant contexts. Activities range from message-taking and spelling practice to role play, providing learners with a comprehensive course in using the telephone in English.

Download Telephoning in English

Currency Trading for Dummies

By Mark Galant, Brian Dolan
360 pages
Publisher: For Dummies (August 6, 2007)
ISBN-10: 0470127635
ISBN-13: 978-0470127636

The fun and easy way to get started in currency trading.
Want to capitalize on the growing forex market? This nuts-and-bolts guide gives you a step-by-step action plan for understanding and trading the forex market. It offers practical guidance and savvy tips in everything from comprehending currency quotes to using leverage, trading with fundamentals, and navigating technical analysis

Download Currency Trading for Dummies

Tips and Traps for Marketing Your Business

By Scott Copper, Fritz Grutzner, Birk Copper
Paperback: 256 pages
Data: February 21, 2008


The purpose of this book is to help you plan, develop, and implement the fundamentals to successfully market your business, whether it is a billion dollar consumer goods company, a business selling to other businesses, or a small nonprofit. Every organization is unique and each one competes in a slightly different way, but the successful ones have one thing in common:They understand what their customers really want and how to engage customers with their brand.It sounds simple. In many ways it is simple. The format of this book is intended to keep things as simple as possible for you to effectively market your business.

Download Tips and Traps for Marketing Your Business

The Pronunciation of English

A Course Book
By Charles W. Kreidler
Blackwell Publishing

Each of the 14 chapters begins with one or more paragraphs which are intended to tell briefly the content of the chapter. Each ends with a summary, which briefly reviews the content of the chapter and also tries to show the importance of what has been treated, or to describe some problems in analyzing not taken up within the chapter. The last section, called Notes, suggests readings in other books for those who want to extend their exploration of these topics. Linguistics, like every academic discipline, has its own technical terms, and some of them are used in this book. These terms are in bold print when they are first introduced. Some of the terms, such as suffix, may already be familiar to you; some, like allophone, are likely to be new; and some will probably be familiar to you but you will find that they are used here in a more specialized way; accent, assimilation, and stop are examples. The Glossary provides definitions or explanations, with examples.

Download The Pronunciation of English


Stock Investing for dummies

Paperback: 360 pages
Publisher: For Dummies; 2 edition (January 2, 2006)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0764599038
ISBN-13: 978-0764599033

Stock Investing For Dummies, 2nd Edition covers all the proven tactics and strategies for picking the right stocks. Packed with savvy tips on today’s best investment opportunities, this book provides a down-to-earth, straightforward approach to making money on the market without the fancy lingo. Soon you’ll have the power to optimize your returns by:

* Recognizing and minimizing the risks
* Gathering information about potential stocks
* Dissecting annual reports and other company documents
* Analyzing the growth and demand of industries
* Playing with the politicians
* Approaching uncertain markets
* Using corporate stock buybacks to boost earnings
* Handling the IRS and other obligations

With a different strategy for every investor—from recent college grad to married with children to recently retired—this valuable reference is a must-have. It also features tips and tricks on how to tell when a stock is on the verge of declining or increasing, how to protect yourself from fraud, and common challenges that every investor must go through, along with resources and financial ratios.

Download Stock Investing for dummies

Weight Training For Dummies, 3rd Edition

By Liz Neporent, Suzanne Schlosberg, Shirley J. Archer
ISBN: 978-0-471-76845-6
Format: PDF
Pages: 408 Pages
Pub. Date: March 2006
Weight Training For Dummies, 3rd Edition

A properly executed strength or weight lifting regimen can lower your blood pressure and cholesterol levels, stabilize your blood sugar, reduce the risk of heart disease, increase your strength, and more. Weight Training For Dummies, Third Edition, is packed with all the information you need to start your own personalized weight training program and get yourself into peak condition fast. You’ll find out about:

* Circuit and resistance training
* 20-minute weight training routines
* The newest and best weight training equipment
* Combining weight training with other exercise
* Gender differences in weight training goals and routines
* Specific approaches for baby boomers and seniors just starting out
* Using weight training to address specific health conditions
* Preventing injuries
* Weight training for children and teens

If you’re getting pumped about weight training, don’t delay. Buy Weight Training for Dummies, Third Edition today, and you’ll be in shape in no time!

Download Weight Training For Dummies, 3rd Edition (Password: mainp)

Top 100 Computer and Technical Careers, Third Edition

By Farr, J. Michael
ISBN-13: 978-1-59357-320-1
ISBN-10: 1-59357-320-0
2007 by JIST Publishin

You don’t need to read this entire book. I’ve organized it into easy-to-use sections so you can get just the information
you want. You will find everything you need to
★ Learn about the 100 top computer and technical careers, including their daily tasks, pay, outlook, and required education and skills.
★ Match your personal skills to the careers.
★ Take seven steps to land a good job in less time.
To get started, simply scan the table of contents to learn more about these sections and to see a list of the jobs described in this book. Really, this book is easy to use, and I hope it helps you.

Top 100 Computer and Technical Careers, Third Edition

Serious Money How to make and enjoy it

By Barrie Pearson
Published by Thorogood Publishing Ltd
ISBN 1 85418 310 9


At any age from your teens to a senior citizen, this book has the power to guide, to motivate and to inspire you to become seriously richer and happier, regardless of whether you are in dire financial straights or already wealthy. It has been written to channel your imagination and to galvanize you into action so that inevitably you will be seriously richer and happier.
The book is gimmick free, because there are no workable gimmicks for wealth and happiness, instead it is crammed full of simple, practical and proven techniques which have worked in abundance for me and countless other people I have helped. You probably feel you really would like to believe this book will make your seriously richer and happier, which you really long for, but remain sceptical.

Serious Money How to make and enjoy it

Perfect Phrases for Setting Performance Goals

Hundreds of Ready-to-Use Goals for Any Performance Plan or Review
By Douglas Max, Robert Bacal
2004 by The McGraw-Hill Companies


There’s a popular misconception that performance appraisal starts and ends with the performance appraisal meeting. That’s not so. In fact, the many benefits of managing performance are lost when you focus solely on the appraisal process, the end point. The secret to success—for organizations, managers, and employees—is to put more emphasis on making sure managers and employees know what they must accomplish. When each employee understands what he or she needs to do to succeed, it’s much easier for that person to contribute. It’s also much easier for managers to do their jobs, to improve productivity, and to manage proactively rather than spending time stomping out small fires later. Clear purpose helps everyone succeed and, bottom line, that’s what everyone wants and benefits from.
This book helps you set performance goals—those statements that are used to aim and guide performance throughout the year. These same performance goals are also used to evaluate employee performance and,perhaps more importantly, help identify barriers to performance so they can be removed.

Perfect Phrases for Setting Performance Goals

Using Knowledge Management to Drive Innovation

By American Productivity & Quality Center
APQC © 2003 (194 pages)

This report, APQC's tenth Best-Practice Report on knowledge management, explores how innovative organizations manage their knowledge and how to approach KM to drive innovation. Using Knowledge Management to Drive Innovation chronicles the value innovative organizations find in better managing the flow and reuse of knowledge, effective practices to enhance knowledge creation and reuse for innovation, and implications for other organizations that might wish to better nurture knowledge. The report focuses on how to:

  • foster a supportive culture and link KM, innovation, and business strategy and results;
  • enable collaboration;
  • establish support roles and structures;
  • engage the educational and training functions and incorporate recruiting strategies; and
  • measure the success of consciously enabling knowledge to drive innovation.
Using Knowledge Management to Drive Innovation

Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life: How to Unlock Your Full Potential for Success and Achievement

By Brian Tracy
Wiley & Son 2003
ISBN: 0471448583
288 pages
PDF (1,2 MB)

“Every line in this book is bursting with truth, wisdom, and power. Brian Tracy is the preeminent authority on showing you how to dramatically improve your life. Let him be your guide. I’ve learned so much from Brian myself that I can’t thank him enough!”
-Robert G. Allen, #1 New York Times bestselling author

“This book gives you a step-by-step system to transform your thinking about yourself and your potential, enabling you to achieve greater success in every area of your life.”
-Lee Iacocca, Chairman, Lee Iacocca & Associates

“Once again, Brian Tracy has written an incredible book which shows individuals how to delve into their inner resources so that they can not only identify realistic goals but develop a plan on how to achieve these goals. This book promises to be a bestseller and to influence the lives of so many. It is must reading.”
-Sally Pipes, President, Pacific Research Institute

Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life: How to

You Want Me to Work with Who?

Eleven Keys to a Stress-Free, Satisfying, and Successful Work Life . . .
No Matter Who You Work With
By Julie Jansen
Published by the Penguin Group


One of the biggest causes of stress in the work environment is the inability of colleagues, at all levels, to get along with one another. While knowledge, experience, education, and skills certainly contribute to any individual’s success at work, it’s the quality of an employee’s relationships with bosses, coworkers, and clients that will ultimately determine his or her happiness and productivity in the workplace. In other words, if you have difficulty relating to or coexisting with other people at work, your chances of having a satisfying and successful work life will be severely limited.
The Eleven Keys can open the door to success not only in your work life but also in your personal life. As you read through the book, you’ll quickly decide which of the Eleven Keys have the most meaning for you. You’ll be able to identify which ones those difficult people in your work life possess, which ones they may need more of, and which they may need to tone down.

You Want Me to Work with Who? Mirror Download

Chicken Soup for the Couple's Soul

By Jack Canfield ,Mark Victor Hansen, Mark Donnelly, Chrissy Donnelly
ISBN-10: 1558746463
ISBN-13: 978-1558746466


Whether single, separated or someone's spouse, everyone wants to find and keep this elusive thing called love. Bestselling author and foremost relationship expert Barbara De Angelis teams up as a co-author of Chicken Soup for the Couple's Soul, a collection of heartwarming stories about how real people discovered true love with the person of their dreams. With chapters on finding each other, intimacy, commitment, understanding, and overcoming obstacles, readers will find inspiration whether they're beginning a new relationship, hoping to work through a difficult one, or trying to recognize extraordinary moments in their lives. A sweet spoonful of this enchanting Chicken Soup collection will warm the hearts of the romantic readers everywhere.

Chicken Soup for the Couple's Soul

Morningstar's Guide to Mutual Funds: 5-Star Strategies for Success

By Christine Benz, Peter Di Teresa, Russel Kinnel
286 pages
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons; 1 edition
ISBN-10: 0471269662
ISBN-13: 978-0471269663


Obviously, it's a fact that millions of Americans currently own and will continue to purchase mutual funds. Today many are realizing they didn't monitor, change, or properly allocate some of their funds. Obviously, many will depend on them in the future. 401Ks are also mutual funds, as well as the traditional and Roth IRA, the 403b among others. Since so many are participating and people will continue to pour billions of dollars into them, the beginning individual mutual fund holder should have this book.

It will primarily benefit those who are new to mutual funds or those who want to increase their general knowledge. Simple, precise explanations. Explanations on proper and true diversification, rates and risk of return, asset allocation, and appropriate risk based upon one's attitude, age, and stomach. It tells one how to look at how a particular fund operates and what it's invested in. Terms such as diversification, dollar-cost averaging, and the fact that past performance is no guarantee of future results are usually known to those who've followed mutual funds already. It is good to understand and calculate the true "cost" of a fund. Declining backend loaded funds are o.k. in solid performing funds that an individual will hold for a period of 5 yeas or more. But does one know if they are gong to be in a fund for five years? When a new fun manager takes over the operations and asset allocation of a fund, it is important to note how and where there may be changes. Know the difference between a micro, small, medium, and large cap index fund. How is a cap defined? Know the difference between a balance, value, international, emerging market, index, and global fund. Global fund? That means most of the investment allocation is overseas right? Nope. Often, most of the fund's holdings are in domestic (American) companies which means the global fund may have the same holdings as your U.S. blue chip, or more domestically oriented funds. Owning more mutual funds, and even funds in different families, means the more diversification correct? No. One can achieve the same diversification with 7 funds as 17. Even moreso. In addition to this book check out Bob Brinker on the radio.

Download Morningstar's Guide to Mutual Funds: 5-Star


Autonomic Computing: Concepts, Infrastructure, and Applications

Manish Parashar, Salim Hariri, ?Autonomic Computing: Concepts, Infrastructure, and Applications?
CRC | ISBN 0849393671 | 2006-12-15 | 539 pages | PDF | 7 M
Autonomic computing systems mimic the human autonomic nervous system to realize a set of "self-*" properties, including self-configuration, self-healing, self-optimization, and self-protection. This book begins by introducing the concepts and requirements of autonomic computing and exploring the architectures required to implement such a system.


Heart Healthy Recipes

What’s good for your heart is great for your taste buds.As the recipes in this special collection will show,you on’t have to lose flavor to gain health.Cooking up heart health requires no secret ingredients. It simply means making dishes that are lower in saturated fat,cholesterol, and total fat, and reduced in sodium. And, as an extra plus, these dishes have fewer calories than those higher in fat. It means enjoying “Crispy Oven-Fried Chicken,” “Red Hot Fusilli,” “Stir-Fried Beef and Potatoes,” “Apricot-Orange Bread,” “Crunchy Pumpkin Pie,” and a “Summer Breezes Smoothie.” The recipe collection was developed by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) to help Americans keep their heartbeat strong. It includes dishes from a variety of ethnic cuisines to suit virtually every taste. The dishes will even tempt children. That’s important because good eating habits need to start early. So, cook up some “Delicious Oven French Fries” and teach your kids how good good health can
taste. Chances are, they’ll want another lesson. Besides recipes, the collection also offers information on special topics, such as how diet affects key factors involved in heart health, how to use the Nutrition Facts Label, how to make healthier meals out of those old family favorites, why fiber matters, and how to reduce salt and sodium in dishes. Check the table of contents for a listing of these topics. You’ll also find a list of certain nutrients for each recipe. This list tells you how much the dish has of nutrients important to health so you can keep track of your daily intakes. Page 6 offers tips on how to use this information as part of your overall eating plan. One such healthy eating plan, which comes from the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, is outlined beginning on page 11.



The Rosedale Diet

As more Americans become obese and are diagnosed with diabetes in record numbers, they continue to seek out new sources of healthy living advice and dieting tips. Those frustrated with South Beach, Atkins and the Zone may find a friend in the Rosedale Diet. Its founder, a nutrition and metabolism expert with a practice in Denver, has developed a diet plan that teaches people how to control leptin, the key hormone that regulates appetite and, say Rosedale and coauthor Colman, your ability to lose weight. They present their plan in two parts, first explaining the concept, and then providing advice for putting it into action. The Rosedale Diet encourages consumption of high-fat foods (good fats, of course—and they're to be eaten unaccompanied by sugar-forming foods), and doesn't insist that people count calories. Rosedale recommends supplements, too, asking readers to take 2,000 milligrams of glutamine before going to bed at night, and suggesting pregnenolone and phosphatidylserine for some. Even if readers aren't ready to plunge full-force into the Rosedale Diet, they'll benefit from such recipes as Dilled Salmon with Fresh Asparagus; Lobster Tails and Seaweed Salad; and Grilled Beef Fillet with Bell Pepper and Mashed Rutabagas.




Windows XP and Office 2003 (Keyboard Shortcuts)

Book Description
This portable how-to guide provides you with that quick on-the-job tutorial that will save you time, simplify your keystrokes, and reduce mouse stress, leading to increased efficiency while working in Windows XP and Internet Explorer, Word 2003, Excel 2003, PowerPoint 2003, Outlook 2003, Access 2003, and more Windows XP and Office applications. Author, Hart-Davis, not only guides you through inbuilt keyboard shortcuts, but also teaches how to customize shortcuts using custom utilities.

From the Back Cover
Unlock the power of your keyboard

Save time and effort while boosting your productivity and simplifying your work with the help of this handy guide. Inside, you’ll learn how to use the hundreds of keyboard shortcuts built into Windows XP and the Office applications--from mainstream shortcuts for frequent operations to little-known time-savers that few users ever discover. You’ll also learn how to create your own custom shortcuts, configure your keyboard to suit your typing style, and choose specialized keyboards to reduce stress and speed up your work.

Includes keyboard shortcuts for:

  • Windows XP
  • Word 2003
  • PowerPoint 2003
  • Access 2003
  • Windows Explorer
  • Internet Explorer
  • Excel 2003
  • Outlook 2003
Also covers Office XP and Office 2000


Designing Arcade Computer Game Graphics

Book Description
Graphics play a central role in the computer gaming experience, and arcade-style games are no exception. Designing Arcade Computer Game Graphics emphasizes the development of quality graphics for 2D arcade-style computer games, both online and offline, including such topics as game design and documentation, graphics tools, animation, proper color usage, and fonts. Graphic designer and animator Ari Feldman provides a step-by-step example of designing 2D graphics and animation for an arcade-style game. * Understand the capabilities of various display modes and learn the nuances of designing for each of them.
* Follow the step-by-step Fish Dish example for designing 2D graphics and animation for an online game.
* Create detailed design plans that document every aspect of the creative-related issues associated with your games.
* Find out the most important features of graphics creation tools, including painting programs and screen capture utilities.
* Identify the essential graphic file formats used in arcade game graphics development and find out which image compression techniques are most suited to arcade game graphics.
* Implement file naming conventions, version control, and backup strategies to manage your graphic assets.
* Discover how the proper use of fonts can liven up your graphics in addition to displaying important game information.


Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 Unleashed

Book Description
Macromedia Dreamweaver MX Unleashed is your complete resource for coverage of Dreamweaver's design, development and deployment capabilities. Based on the newest version of Dreamweaver, intermediate and advanced users will find comprehensive and up to date help on developing complex applications, enabling them to create richer experiences for end users. Developers will learn how to collect information from users, personalize their online experience, and to use a variety of built-in site management tools.

"Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 Unleashed" is your complete reference guide to developing dynamic, data-driven web sites and applications with Dreamweaver 8. Based on the newest version of Dreamweaver, you will find comprehensive and up-to-date instruction on developing complex applications, as well as how to collect information from users, personalize their online experience, and use a variety of built-in site management tools to create the ultimate web site experience. With "Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 Unleashed", you will learn how to fully exploit Dreamweaver 8 by working with frames and framesets, layers, incorporating multimedia and animation, and adding dynamic elements such as a shopping cart.


Measurement and Instrumentation Principles, Third Edition

'contains much useful material...The main advantage of this book, though, is its coverage of a wide range of measurement and instrumentation topics'
Times Higher Educational Supplement, March 8, 2002

...this book is highly recommended as a resource and handbook for the practicing instrumentation or control engineer where it would be very valuable in helping handle new or nonrepetitive situations as they occur.

'contains much useful material...The main advantage of this book, though, is its coverage of a wide range of measurement and instrumentation topics'
Times Higher Educational Supplement, March 8, 2002

...this book is highly recommended as a resource and handbook for the practicing instrumentation or control engineer where it would be very valuable in helping handle new or nonrepetitive situations as they occur.


Interfacing with C++: Programming Real-World Applications

Book Description
This book is for people who are interested in learning and exploring electronic interfacing as well as C++ programming in a practicable and enjoyable way. Readers will learn to program a PC to do real-world things – not simply number crunching and graphics. They will also master how to write programs that interact with real-world devices through the use of a specially-developed interface circuit board included with the book. The book, interface board and accompanying software incorporate simple and easy-to-understand projects such as digital-to-analog conversion and vice versa, DC and Stepper motor control, temperature and voltage measurement, PC-based timing, or basic data acquisition. The audience of this innovative and rewarding approach to learn interfacing real-world devices to a computer via C++ are undergraduate and graduate students in engineering and science, practicing engineers/scientists, technical workers, and hobbyists. The types of courses the book complements include control engineering, electronics, computing, and mechatronics.


250 HTML and Web Design Secrets

Book Description

  • This value-priced guide by one of the Top 25 Most Influential Women on the Web delivers 250 solutions, workarounds, tips, and annoyance-busters that Web designers won't find anywhere else
  • Offers 500 pages of insider techniques to improve workflow and efficiency, save development time and money, and increase search engine rankings and site traffic, whether designers want to enhance an existing Web site or build a state-of-the-art site from scratch
  • Covers topics such as HTML, XHTML, CSS, graphics and multimedia, cell phone and PDA accessibility, content development, tools, usability, information architecture, globalization, and site redesign
  • Molly Holzschlag is a steering committee member of the Web Standards Project (WaSP) and spokesperson for the World Organization of Webmasters, as well as a frequent lecturer at industry conferences and the author of twenty-five previous books

Download Description
  • This value-priced guide by one of the Top 25 Most Influential Women on the Web delivers 250 solutions, workarounds, tips, and annoyance-busters that Web designers won't find anywhere else
  • Offers 500 pages of insider techniques to improve workflow and efficiency, save development time and money, and increase search engine rankings and site traffic, whether designers want to enhance an existing Web site or build a state-of-the-art site from scratch
  • Covers topics such as HTML, XHTML, CSS, graphics and multimedia, cell phone and PDA accessibility, content development, tools, usability, information architecture, globalization, and site redesign
  • Molly Holzschlag is a steering committee member of the Web Standards Project (WaSP) and spokesperson for the World Organization of Webmasters, as well as a frequent lecturer at industry conferences and the author of twenty-five previous books

Beginning Visual C++ 6

Visual C++ 6 is the latest incarnation of Microsoft's premier development product for C++ developers. It contains the latest version of the MFC&T (Microsoft Foundation Classes & Templates) which has virtually become the Industry-wide library used to write Windows programs. Visual C++ 6 also contains the Active Template Library 3.0 ( ATL ) , which is a framework and collection of Wizards for writing ActiveX & COM controls. This book is a tutorial in use of all the major functions of Visual C++ 6.Proven teaching methods guarantee success to novice C++ programmers with a complete tutorial from 'vanilla' C++ , through to OO programming, Windows and using MFC&T. Each concept is supported by graduated code examples and the reader will be coherent in writing a real Windows program and controls by the end of the book.


Professional C++ (Programmer to Programmer)

* Geared to experienced C++ developers who may not be familiar with the more advanced features of the language, and therefore are not using it to its full capabilities
* Teaches programmers how to think in C++-that is, how to design effective solutions that maximize the power of the language
* The authors drill down into this notoriously complex language, explaining poorly understood elements of the C++ feature set as well as common pitfalls to avoid
* Contains several in-depth case studies with working code that's been tested on Windows, Linux, and Solaris platforms


Thinking in C++ Volume I and Volume II

This book is a thorough rewrite of the first edition to reflect all of the changes introduced in C++ by the finalization of the C++ Standard, and also to reflect what I've learned since writing the first edition. The entire text present in the first edition has been examined and rewritten, sometimes removing old examples, often changing existing examples and adding new ones, and adding many new exercises. Significant rearrangement and re-ordering of the material took place to reflect the availability of better tools and my improved understanding of how people learn C++. A new chapter was added which is a rapid introduction to the C concepts and basic C++ features for those who don't have the C background to tackle the rest of the book. The CD ROM bound into the back of the book contains a seminar that is an even gentler introduction to the C concepts necessary to understand C++ (or Java). It was created by Chuck Allison for my company (MindView, Inc.), and it's called "Thinking in C: Foundations for Java and C++." It introduces you to the aspects of C that are necessary for you to move on to C++ or Java, leaving out the nasty bits that C programmers must deal with on a day-to-day basis but that the C++ and Java languages steer you away from (or even eliminate, in the case of Java).


The C++ Programming Language: Special Edition

This is a complete rewrite of the most widely read and most trusted book on C++. Based on the ANSI/ISO C++ final draft, this book covers the C++ language, its standard library, and key design techniques as an integrated whole. The C++ Programming Language provides comprehensive coverage of C++ language features and standard library components. With this third edition, Stroustrup makes C++ even more accessible to those new to the language while adding information and techniques that even expert C++ programmers will find invaluable.


Programming with Microsoft Visual C++.NET

This title is the complete programming reference for intermediate and expert developers who want to create .NET applications with Visual C++ and the .NET Framework. Focusing on core programming techniques, instructions, and solutions, this book is designed to help developers who are already familiar with Visual C++ discover what's new in Visual C++.NET and learn how to use the language and their programming skills with the Windows operating system to produce a new generation of killer .NET applications. An enhanced eBook in Microsoft Help 2 format, extensive real-world programming examples, and reusable code on a companion CD-ROM all give readers the complete answers they need to solve specific .NET coding problems faster.


C# 2.0 Complete Reference

This comprehensive volume is fully updated for C# 2.0 -- the newest version of Microsoft's revolutionary programming language.The changes found in C# 2.0 bring Java-like power to millions of Windows programmers worldwide. With expertly crafted explanations, insider tips, and hundreds of examples, this book fully explains every aspect of C# 2.0. Written in the clear, uncompromising style that has made master programming author Herb Schildt the choice of millions, the book covers all the new and existing features of this major programming language.
The Art Of C++
Learn how to apply C++ to a wide array of sophisticated applications. In his clear prose, C++ expert and the world’s leading programming author Herb Schildt, shares practical, high-powered applications of C++, revealing some of the most interesting features of the language in the process. “Pure code” subsystems that can be adapted to your own programs, financial calculations, and file utilities are discussed. A C++ interpreter, an AI-based search engine, plus a Web-based example for those programmers who interface C++ with the Internet are also included. With downloadable code offered, this resource has something for every C++ developer.


C++ For Dummies

C++ For Dummies, 5th Edition, debunks the myths, blasts the barriers, shares the secrets, and gets you started. In fact, by the end of Chapter 1, you’ll be able to create a C++ program. OK, it won’t be newest, flashiest video game, but it might be a practical, customized inventory control or record-keeping program.


C++ by Dissection

Enlisting the best-selling dissection method, this title teaches programming techniques and presents the C++ language using a sound and structured method. Working code is dissected with explanations to the student on each newly encountered programming element and idiom found in the code. The presentation assumes no programming background; both CS1 students and experienced programmers unfamiliar with Java will find a carefully structured presentation of the C++ language and its key programming concepts.


The C Programming Language

Describes C as defined by the ANSI standard. Meant to help the reader learn how to program in C.


C & Data Structures

Divided into three separate sections, C & Data Structures covers C programming, as well as the implementation of data structures and an analysis of advanced data structure problems. Beginning with the basic concepts of the C language (including the operators, control structures, and functions), the book progresses to show these concepts through practical application with data structures such as linked lists and trees, and concludes with the integration of C programs and advanced data structure problem-solving. The book covers a vast range of data structures and programming issues, such as syntactic and semantic aspects of C, all control statements in C, concepts of function, macro, files and pointers with examples, graphs, arrays, searching and sorting techniques, stacks and queues, files, and preprocessing. C & Data Structures provides a comprehensive guide to all the data types in C with internal implementation, while providing examples to demonstrate their behavior


C and C++ Programming Language

C For Dummies
This book continues the easygoing, simple introduction to the C language that began with the original two-volume set. It's designed for those wanting to get into the C language who need a slow-paced, easy and fun book.

Password:decoy1203@forumw.org(for all files)

Cryptography in C and C++
Text focusing on the practical aspects of cryptography in C and C++, explaining cryptography and its mathematical issues in terms specifically designed to reach computer programmers.
