
The Encyclopedia of Addictive Drugs

Preceding the A-Z entries is a section on drug types that defines five major categories of drugs (e.g., stimulants, steroids), with subclasses where necessary. General information for each type of drug is given in detail, and all the alphabetical entries refer back to this section for descriptions of broad characteristics. The alphabetical listing of drugs that follows lists only substances “which have been declared a public concern by government officials, medical caregivers, or news media.” Each entry includes the pronunciation of the substance, the Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Number (a unique identifier for every chemical), formal name or names, informal (”street”) names, the drug type, Federal Schedule Listing (which ranks drugs according to their potential for abuse), U.S. availability (e.g., prescription or illegal), and pregnancy category (based on the risk a drug poses to the fetus). Following this information, highly readable discussions cover uses, drawbacks, abuse factors, some drug interactions, cancer risk, pregnancy effects, and any additional information that seems pertinent. Both notes and reliable sources of additional scientific information are listed at the end of each of the entries.


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1 comment:

Navya said...

cool informative post. Thanks for sharing.
SBL Geomatics