
An Introduction to Computer Graphics and Creative 3-D Environments

Description: This book introduces the fundamentals of 2-D and 3-D computer graphics. Additionally, a range of emerging, creative 3-D display technologies are described, including stereoscopic systems, immersive virtual reality, volumetric, varifocal, and others.

Interaction is a vital aspect of modern computer graphics, and issues concerning interaction



Real World Adobe Illustrator CS3

PDF | 584 pages | English | 37mb(rar)

Real World Adobe Illustrator CS3/by Mordy Golding (Author)


Real World Adobe Illustrator CS3 is the definitive reference to Adobe's industry-standard vector graphics software. With an easy, engaging style, author Mordy Golding takes readers through all of the features of the program, explaining not only how to use the multitude of features but also why and when to use them. This edition has been thoroughly updated for Illustrator CS3, including insightful techniques on using the new Live Color environment and its tools, a new Isolation mode for working on complex artwork, and new tools for drawing, erasing, modifying, and cropping graphic. New integration features with Flash CS3 are also covered in depth; for example, readers learn how symbols can be defined as movie clips for use in Flash.
Now that Illustrator and Flash are both part of several bundled offerings of the Creative Suite, this coverage is a key part of the entire uninterrupted workflow from initial concept to final execution.
Along with tips, sidebars, and expert commentary, there are also numerous illustrations and screen shots included to offer readers the most complete coverage on this extraordinary application. Designers from all fields--illustrators, animators, package designers, graphic designers, web designers, and more--will find Real World Adobe Illustrator CS3 their one-stop guide to creating powerful designs in Illustrator




Foundation Flash CS3 for Designers

Flash is one of the most engaging and innovative, and versatile technologies available—allowing the creation of pretty much anything from simple slideshows, animated banners and icons and cartoons, to Rich Internet Applications, Interactive videos, and dynamic user interfaces for web sites, kiosks, or DVDs. The possibilities are endless, except that now, it just got better. In 2007, Adobe released Flash CS3, which boasts a whole host of new features, including fully customizable workspace, full ActionScript 3.0 support, a PSD importer, a tween-to-code animation converter, and much more. And this book is all you'll need to learn Flash CS3 from the ground up, or learn about all these new features, if you already have previous Flash experience—Flash experts Tom Green and David Stiller take you step-by-step through all facets of Flash CS3, with the emphasis firmly on good design techniques that you use in your own projects.
Learn Flash design from the ground up, or just get to grips with the new features, with a series of step by step tutorials.
Provides an easy introduction to ActionScript 3.0 coding, but the focus is mainly kept on design.
Learn from the expertswritten by renowned Flash designers Tom Green and David Stiller.



Canon EOS 40D Digital Field Guide

Wiley | ISBN: 0470260440 | April 7, 2008 | 301 pages | PDF | 11.8MB

In the Canon EOS 40D, speed and reliability meet superior image quality and affordability. And the more you know about your camera, the better your images will be. So don't wait another minute. Learn how to work with color spaces and white balance, use Live View, set up the 40D for your shooting style, set and evaluate exposure, and more. Get helpful tips and advice that you can use every time in this handy guide that goes wherever you take pictures.





Introducing AutoCAD 2009 and AutoCAD LT 2009

Sybex (05.2008) / isbn 9780470260609 / 413 pages / PDF / RS / 12MB

If you're involved in any way with the design and manufacturing industry, you've probably had to work with AutoCAD drawings. But not everyone needs to be an expert at AutoCAD - many users really need to know only a few of its vast array of tools. If you're someone who doesn't need to or want to be an AutoCAD power user but wants to be able to use AutoCAD proficiently, this book is for you.



Learn How To Draw




Paul Scheele's Abundance for Life CD 5-13

AIF (lossless) or MP3 VBR 320kbps | 2 GB

When you open the flow of energy as our system will show you, health, wealth, abundance, and power come your way - automatically on their own, without your having to do anything more - all to serve you, to make you happy.
Go on a playful journey with Paul R. Scheele, one of the world’s leading mind explorers and principle developer of our courses. Lay claim to the power centers of your brain. Accelerate your mental, emotional, and spiritual growth. Manifest in life all that you desire.

Paul Scheele´s Abundance for Life gives you...

The secrets to having the things you want miraculously appear

And the mental processes that make it happen for you

Call it supercharged serendipity, even blessed luck. It is when things go your way and all you can do is shout to the heavens, "Thank you!"

We figured out how to bottle it!

You receive an in-depth course that takes away all of your excuses. The reasons you haven't enjoyed the best life can offer melt away.

If you want that magical "stuff" to happen in your life...

If you want abundance flowing all around you...


Go on a playful journey with Paul R. Scheele, one of the world’s leading mind explorers and principle developer of our courses. Lay claim to the power centers of your brain. Accelerate your mental, emotional, and spiritual growth. Manifest in life all that you desire.

On this journey you will find heightened self-awareness and new perspectives on life that will smooth rough edges, focus your intention, and tune your brain for a sudden upswing in the quality of your life.

This is a unique opportunity to play with profound turns of mind that Paul has been developing for almost 30 years. He brings to your course the most successful and popular processes to-date, weaving them into stirring material to help you maximize your potential. You receive an experience unlike any other

Some of the CDs are Paraliminals which would lose benefit if converted, in some cases, this higher-quality format, is a good thing over the mp3 version

For additional information:

Download: password : www.AvaxHome.ru


Widow��s Walk (Spenser Novels) (Audio CD)

Boston’s premier PI investigates the murder of a prominent local banker, with family ties to the Mayflower - and perhaps the mob.

When fifty-one year old Nathan Smith, a confirmed bachelor, is found dead in his bed with a hole in his head made by a .38 caliber slug, it’s hard not to imagine Nathan’s young bride as the one with her finger on the trigger. Even her lawyer thinks she’s guilty. But given that Mary Smith is entitled to the best defense she can afford - and thanks to Nathan’s millions, she can afford plenty - Spenser hires on to investigate Mary’s bona fides.

Mary’s alibi is a bit on the flimsy side: she claims she was watching television in another room when the murder occurred. But the couple was seen fighting at a high-profile cocktail party earlier that evening and the prosecution has a witness who says Mary once tried to hire him to kill Nathan. What’s more, she’s too pretty, too made-up, too blonde, and sleeps around - just the kind of person a jury loves to hate.

Spenser’s up against the wall; leads go nowhere, no one knows a thing. Then a young woman, recently fired from her position at Smith’s bank, turns up dead. Mary’s vacant past suddenly starts looking meaner and darker - and Spenser’s suddenly got to watch his back.

With lean, crackling dialogue, crisp action and razor-sharp characters, Widow’s Walk is another triumph.




The Secret Universal Mind Meditation (AudioBook)

Author: Kelly Howell
* Audio CD
* Publisher: Brain Sync Corp
* Language: English
* ISBN-10: 1881451569
* ISBN-13: 978-1881451563

The Secret Universal Mind Meditation imparts the sacred truth spiritual masters have taught for centuries. This truth is real and powerful. It starts by changing your belief system, slowly, subtly and gently while you sleep. As you are lulled into blissful slumber, secret messages are whispered into your ears–first audibly, and then just below the level of consciousness.

Over days and weeks to come, your conscious and your subconscious mind will accept the secret as true. Without knowing how or why, everything you need and desire will come to you through communing with the Universal Mind.

With this program you will overcome limiting, outmoded beliefs that have hindered your ability to create the life you’ve always wanted. While theta and delta waves gently lull you to sleep, your mind is re-programed with new knowledge and beliefs that unleash your power to create a new reality; a reality that fulfills your deepest needs and desires.

Through nightly listening, your subconscious will accept the information it receives as true. When this happens, what you need and desire comes to you. And there is nothing you need to do except relax and listen. If you fall asleep while listening, that’s even better; the messages are still absorbed into your subconscious. The results are profound.

About the Author
With over 2 million audio programs in print, Kelly Howell is highly acclaimed for her pioneering work in healing and mind expansion. She has been actively involved in personal development and consciousness research for more than two decades and is recognized as a thought-leader in the field of personal transformation.
Over the years, she has worked in cooperation with eminent scientists, medical professionals, brain researchers and spiritual teachers to develop her groundbreaking transformational audio techniques. Her clinically proven Brain Wave Therapy programs are embraced by both individual users and by medical professionals.



Learned Optimism: How to Change Your Mind and Your Life

Martin Seligman, a renowned psychologist and clinical researcher, has been studying optimists and pessimists for 25 years. Pessimists believe that bad events are their fault, will last a long time, and undermine everything. They feel helpless and may sink into depression, which is epidemic today, especially among youths. Optimists, on the other hand, believe that defeat is a temporary setback or a challenge--it doesn't knock them down. "Pessimism is escapable," asserts Seligman, by learning a new set of cognitive skills that will enable you to take charge, resist depression, and make yourself feel better and accomplish more.
About two-thirds of this book is a psychological discussion of pessimism, optimism, learned helplessness (giving up because you feel unable to change things), explanatory style (how you habitually explain to yourself why events happen), and depression, and how these affect success, health, and quality of life. Seligman supports his points with animal research and human cases. He includes tests for you and your child--whose achievement may be related more to his or her level of optimism/pessimism than ability. The final chapters teach the skills of changing from pessimism to optimism, with worksheet pages to guide you and your child. --Joan Price


mp3: http://rapidshare.com/files/95829989/Martin_Seligman_-_Learned_Optimism.mp3

pdf: http://rapidshare.com/files/98869496/Martin_Seligman_-_Learned_Optimism__Booklet_.pdf

Five Successful Steps to Selling

The world's foremost producer of personal development and motivational audio programs now offers master motivator Zig Ziglar's secrets of sales success.

You've heard about "natural-born salespeople" -- those super salespeople who seem to perform intuitively and succeed effortlessly. In 5 Steps To Successful Selling, Zig Ziglar shows you that those success stories result from study and observation rather than inborn talent. They are the result of mastering the art of selling. Now you can master those techniques and perfect your own selling skills -- skills that will take you from being a good salesperson to being the best. A super salesman himself, Zig Ziglar draws on his many years of experience to define and explain the keys to successful selling:

Prospecting: identifying who can and will buy

Presenting: knowing the product and showing it effectively

Closing: winning the sale

Follow-up: maintaining customer contact

Positive self-image: the foundation of success in selling
After learning the 5 Steps To Successful Selling -- whether you are a beginner or a seasoned veteran -- you can't help but come away a better salesperson.



Christiane Stenger: Warum fällt das Schaf vom Baum?

German | MP3 | 1 CD, 65 Min. gekürzte Buchfassung | Campus Verlag GmbH | ISBN 3593381656 | ca. 75 mb | rar

Sie kann sich 240 Ziffern in fünf Minuten merken. Wie ist sowas möglich? Christiane Stenger, mehrfache Jungendweltmeisterin im Gedächtnistraining und bekannt aus Günther Jauchs Grips-Show, verrät ihre persönlichen Techniken, mit denen sich jeder Fakten und Zusammenhänge besser merken oder Sprachen leichter lernen kann.

Schon nach wenigen Seiten von Warum fällt das Schaf vom Baum? ist klar: Man muss wirklich kein Genie sein, um Namen, Geburtstage und Pin-Codes im Kopf zu behalten oder den verlegten Schlüssel wieder zu finden. Man muss dazu nur wissen, wie das Gehirn Informationen abspeichert und sie ihm mit den originellen Visualisierungen und Eselsbrücken von Christiane Stenger „merkgerecht“ servieren.

Mit einem einfachen Test kann man die persönliche Merkfähigkeit vor dem Training und seine Fortschritte dabei messen, die sich schnell einstellen. Dann werden die kleinen grauen Zellen mit verblüffend einfachen Mnemotechniken fit gemacht. Zu jeder Übung gibt es Lösungen oder Beispiele. Dieses Training hat nichts mit trockenem „Büffeln“ und Leistungsdruck zu tun und ist auch nicht nur für den Beruf gedacht.

Das Trainingsprogramm von Christiane Stenger verbessert die Konzentrationsfähigkeit, beflügelt die Kreativität, beschleunigt die Auffassungsgabe und stärkt Stressbelastbarkeit und Selbstvertrauen. Diese Fähigkeiten kommen einem in allen Lebensbereichen und in jedem Alter zugute.






Mac World Magazine March 2007

Macworld Magazine March 2007


Computer Shopper March 2007

Computer Shopper March 2007


Men's Health Tips For 2007

Mens Health Tip For 2007


PC Magazine March 2007

PC Magazine March 2007
