Author(s): David Banks
Publisher: Wiley
Date : 2008
Pages :
Format : PDF
Quality :
Language : English
ISBN-10 : 1405170611
ISBN-13 :
Product Description
The use of the heat stored in the shallow subsurface for space heating (ground source heat) is widely used in North America and many European nations, such as Sweden, and is regarded as the most important and reliable 'green' space heating technology. In many nations, including Britain, the technology remains poorly understood and under used. This situation is about to change, however, with the UK market for ground source heat pumps growing at over 100% per annum.
This book offers practical guidance and will equip engineers, planners and geologists with the fundamental skills to assess and implement this new technology and to introduce them to the science behind thermogeology.
From the Back Cover
This authoritative guide provides a basis for understanding the emerging technology of ground source heat pumps. It equips engineers, architects, planners, regulators and geologists with the fundamental skills needed to manipulate the ground’s huge capacity to store, supply and receive heat, and to implement technologies (such as heat pumps) to exploit that capacity for space heating and cooling.
The author has geared the book towards understanding ground source heating and cooling from the ground side (the geological aspects), rather than solely the building aspects.
An Introduction to Thermogeology: Ground Source Heating & Cooling explains the science behind thermogeology and offers practical guidance on different design options.
See all Editorial Reviews
Product Details
* Hardcover: 352 pages
* Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell (May 2, 2008)
* Language: English
* ISBN-10: 1405170611
* ISBN-13: 978-1405170611
An Introduction to Thermogeology: Ground Source Heating and Cooling
Designing Web Interfaces: Principles and Patterns for Rich Interactions
Publisher: O’Reilly Media
Language: English
ISBN: 0596516258
Paperback: 332 pages
Data: Jan 2009
Format: PDF
Description: Want to learn how to create great user experiences on today’s Web? In this book, UI experts Bill Scott and Theresa Neil present more than 75 design patterns for building web interfaces that provide rich interaction. Distilled from the authors’ years of experience at Sabre, Yahoo!, and Netflix, these best practices are grouped into six key principles to help you take advantage of the web technologies available today. With an entire section devoted to each design principle, Designing Web Interfaces helps you:
* Make It Direct-Edit content in context with design patterns for In Page Editing, Drag&Drop, and Direct Selection
* Keep It Lightweight-Reduce the effort required to interact with a site by using In Context Tools to leave a “light footprint”
* Stay on the Page-Keep visitors on a page with overlays, inlays, dynamic content, and in-page flow patterns
* Provide an Invitation-Help visitors discover site features with invitations that cue them to the next level of interaction
* Use Transitions-Learn when, why, and how to use animations, cinematic effects, and other transitions
* React Immediately-Provide a rich experience by using lively responses such as Live Search, Live Suggest, Live Previews, and more
Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 For Dummies
Publisher: For Dummies
Language: English
ISBN: 0470398663
Paperback: 384 pages
Data: Oct 2008
Format: PDF
Description: Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 was made to help you handle e-mail, meeting management, and other essential office services. Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 For Dummies helps you get a handle on Exchange Server. Pretty slick, huh?
Here’s the lowdown on installing and administering Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 and taking advantage of all the enhancements in Service Pack 1. With this handy guide, you’ll be able to maximize the security, reliability, and speed that Exchange Server 2007 provides.
* Assess your organization’s needs to determine which edition of Exchange Server best meets them
* Explore what Exchange Server does, then plan, install, and configure it
* Consider how your users work with their mail and customize your set-up to facilitate their needs
* Learn to use the Exchange Management Console
* Use the new Exchange Server security features to protect e-mail from viruses, spam, phishing, and other threats
* Set up an offline address book, use templates, and develop custom forms
* Create settings for the most efficient interaction with clients, use multiple mailboxes, and view digital certificates
* Manage resource scheduling and interactive calendars
* Troubleshoot your configuration, perform regular maintenance, and be able to recover from mail-specific problems
* Monitor Exchange Server performance and maintain databases, mail flow, and peak performance
Management of Ageing Processes in Graphite Reactor Cores
Publisher: Royal Society of Chemistry
Language: English
ISBN: 0854043454
Paperback: 300 pages
Data: Jul 2007
Format: PDF
Description: Many nuclear reactors and components are coming to the end of their ‘useful’ life and strategies for the effective management of these decommissioned parts are paramount. Management of Ageing Processes in Graphite Reactor Cores discusses in detail both the scientific challenges and the issues involved in this subject. Covering fundamentals of reactor design through to graphite-component behaviour and its assessment, the book also provides a discussion of the lessons learnt from decades of experience. Written by leading experts in the field, this is an ideal resource for both academia and industry, and is of great relevance to policy makers and governments.
Statistical Methods in e-Commerce Research
Publisher: Wiley
Language: English
ISBN: 0470120126
Paperback: 430 pages
Data: Sep 2008
Format: PDF
Description: With the expanding presence of technology in today’s economic market, the use of the Internet for buying, selling, and investing is growing more popular and public in nature. Statistical Methods in e-Commerce Research is the first book of its kind to focus on the statistical models and methods that are essential in order to analyze information from electronic-commerce (e-Commerce) transactions, identify the challenges that arise with new e-Commerce data structures, and discover new knowledge about consumer activity.
This collection gathers over thirty researchers and practitioners from the fields of statistics, computer science, information systems, and marketing to discuss the growing use of statistical methods in e-Commerce research. From privacy protection to economic impact, the book first identifies the many obstacles that are encountered while collecting, cleaning, exploring, and analyzing e-Commerce data. Solutions to these problems are then suggested using established and newly developed statistical and data mining methods. Finally, a look into the future of this evolving area of study is provided through an in-depth discussion of the emerging methods for conducting e-Commerce research.
Statistical Methods in e-Commerce Research successfully bridges the gap between statistics and e-Commerce, introducing a statistical approach to solving challenges that arise in the context of online transactions, while also introducing a wide range of e-Commerce applications
The Essential Guide to Flash CS4 AIR Development
Publisher: friends of ED
Language: English
ISBN: 1430215887
Paperback: 720 pages
Data: Dec 2008
Format: PDF
Description: We all know what a great tool Flash is for creating dynamic, engaging web content, and Adobe’s latest CS4 release just makes it even better. Among the great new features is the ability to take all the power of Flash for the Web and put in on the desktop using AIR. AIR capability is built right into the Flash CS4 IDE, which means you can start writing desktop applications right away.
This book not only covers the essentials of using Flash with AIR (and AIR with Flash), but also shows you how to extend application functionality in new ways. once you’ve got Flash on the desktop, you’re no longer constrained by the limitations of running inside a web browser. You’ll have access to the local desktop file system, and AIR adds SQLite functionality for native database support. And just as Flash animations have a consistent look and feel across browsers, AIR allows you to create applications that work consistently across operating systems—Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux.
For any Flash developer who wants to go from the Web to the desktop (and who doesn’t?), this book is required reading. It not only tells you how to do it, but is full of practical, easy-to-follow examples that will have you building desktop AIR applications with Flash in no time. Expanding your existing Flash skills with the Essential Guide to Flash CS4 AIR Development will make you an even more potent and indispensable force on any development team!
* Embrace the Flash Platform and learn how to build desktop applications using the AIR SDK alongside Flash CS4.
* Understand and use the ActionScript 3.0 AIR APIs.
* Create applications that interact with any operating system to create, read, and write local files.
* Write applications that can run both online and offline, automatically checking for Internet connectivity.
* Build AIR applications that communicate with a local SQLite database.
1993 Mitsubishi 3000GT Technical Information Manual (PYUE9201).pdf
Mitsubishi 3000GT (Model Code Z1) is a rebadged name of Mitsubishi GTO, a Sports Car/Grand Tourer built by Mitsubishi Motors, Chrysler also sold this car as Dodge Stealth.
Below are 1993 Mitsubishi 3000GT features:
A 3.0L DOHC engine with twin-turbochargers and twin-intercoolers have been developed to provide even higher output and higher performance.
High performance and low fuel consumption
The roller rocker arm reduces the valve-actuation torque as well as fuel consumption.
Improved response and fuel consumption have been achieved by electronic control multi-point fuel injection.
Electronic control of fuel pump fuel discharge for high response and low fuel consumption.
Overwhelming acceleration due to combination of the twin-turbochargers and twin-intercoolers.
A lightweight sodium-filled vacuum valve has been developed for use as the exhaust valve to improve valve follow in highspeed ranges. - TRANSAXLE
The W5MG1 type manual transaxle is a full-time 4WD manual transaxle made by GETRAG (a German manufacturer who develops and manufactures high performance transaxles especially in Europe.) and newly developed to match the high output and high torque of the 6G72-DOHC (Turbo) engine.
Sportier driving is possible by using a centre differential method with viscous coupling for distributing (front 45: rear 55) front and rear torque unevenly.
A double-cone synchronizer for 1st and 2nd speeds and a reverse synchronizer are used and, in addition to sure shifting performance, the shift feeling is also improved.
Low vibration and low noise are realized by the use of high precision gears and high rigidity shaft.
This service manual PYUE9201 provides information on servicing, maintaining, overhauling, inspecting the Mitsubishi 3000GT 1993 model, the use of this service manual is in conjunction with following manuals: ENGINE GROUP PWEE (Looseleaf edition), CHASSIS GROUP PWUE9119 (Vehicles for Europe); PWUE9203 (Vehicles for General Export and Australia), ELECTRICAL WIRING PHUE9201 (Vehicles for Europe); PHUE9203 (Vehicles for General Export and Australia), PARTS CATALOGUE B608K402AD (Vehicles for Europe); B808K402AD (Vehicles for General Export); BFA8K402A1 (Vehicles for Australia).
- General [ Design Strategies for Development ~ Commodity Features ~ Technical Features ~ Vehicle Identification ~ Major Specifications ]
- Engine [ General Information ~ Base Engine ~ Mounting ~ Lubrication System ~ Cooling System ~ Intake/Exhaust System ~ Fuel System ~ Control System ~ Emission Control System ]
- Power Transmission Components [ Clutch ~ Manual Transmission ~ Propeller Shaft ~ Front Axle ~ Rear Axle ]
- Drive Control Components [ Suspension ~ Front Suspension ~ Rear Suspension ~ Electronic Control Suspension (ECS) ~ Wheel and Tyres ~ Power Steering ~ 4 Wheel Steering (4WS) System ~ Brakes ~ Service Brakes ~ Antilock Bracking System (ABS) ~ Parking Brake ]
- Body [ General Description ~ Main Body ~ Air Pressure Noise Reduction ~ Doors ~ Lid ~ Window Glass ~ Sunroof ]
- Exterior [ Summary of Exterior Parts ~ Bumpers ~ Door Mirrors ~ Aero Parts ~ Active Aero System ]
- Interior [ Summary of Interior Parts ~ Instrument Panel and Console Box ~ Shelf Cover ~ Seats ~ Seat Belt ~ Supplemental Restraint System (SRS) ]
- Equipment [ General Information and Equipment ~ Wiring Harness ~ Diagnosis System ~ Battery ~ Lighting ~ Meters and Gauges ~ Wiper and Washer ~ Radio and Tape Player ~ Accessory Socket ~ ETACS (Electronic Time and Alarm Control System) ~ Theft Alarm System ~ Heater and Air Conditioning ]
s p o n s o r e d l i n k s Mechanical and Electrical Design of Pumping Station - Engineer’s Manual.pdf
The purpose of this manual is to provide information and criteria pertinent to the design and selection of mechanical and electrical systems for flood-control pumping stations. Elements discussed include equipment requirements, design memorandum, Operation and Maintenance manuals, pumping equipment and conditions, discharge system, engines and gears, pump drive selection, pump and station hydraulic tests, earthquake considerations, power supply, motors, power distribution equipment, control equipment, station wiring, station and equipment grounding, surge protection, electrical equipment, environmental protection, station service electrical system, and station service diesel generator.
Pumping stations designed and built by the Corps of Engineers are mostly part of a flood-protection project and, as such, are used during emergencies. Some stations may pump a combination of sanitary sewage and storm water. They are usually maintained and operated by local interests and may sometimes be manned by operators who are not technically trained. Therefore, the equipment installed in these stations should be highly reliable and, whenever possible, should be of a type and construction that will require minimum maintenance and be relatively simple and easy to operate. It is recognized, however, that large diesel engine drives require a great deal of maintenance and are quite complex to operate. Some stations will be located in a corrosive atmosphere, especially those located along an urban sewer. At these locations, proper equipment and material selection and proper station ventilation designs are critical to minimize the effects of the corrosive atmosphere. It is expected that some of the equipment will be more expensive than regular grades that are commercially available. Recommendations of local interest preferences should also be considered.
- Chapter 1 Introduction [ Purpose ~ Applicability ~ References ~ Limitations ~ Design Procedures ~ Deviations ~ Safety Provisions ~ Appendices ]
- Chapter 2 Equipment Requirements [ General ~ Design Life ~ Materials of Construction ]
- Chapter 3 Design Memorandum Requirements [ General ~ Design Memoranda and Documents ]
- Chapter 4 Operation and Maintenance Manuals [ General ~ Coverage ~ Schedule ~ Testing and Exercise ]
- Chapter 5 Pumping Equipment [ General ~ Pump Characteristics and Types ~ Pump Arrangements ~ Selection of Pump Type ]
- Chapter 6 Pumping Conditions [ General ~ Capacity Determination ~ Head Determination ~ Suction Requirements ~ Pump Requirements ]
- Chapter 7 Discharge System [ General ~ Discharge Types ~ Selection Criteria ~ Design ~ Pipe Construction and Material ]
- Chapter 8 Engines and Gears [ General ~ Engines ~ Fuel Supply System ~ Gear Drives ]
- Chapter 9 Miscellaneous Equipment [ Sump Closure ~ Trash Protection ~ Equipment Handling ~ Ventilation ~ Equipment Protection ]
Download free Mechanical and Electrical Design of Pumping Station - Engineer’s Manual.pdf (171 pages pdf file, 2.3 MB).
Effective Java (2nd Edition)
This free Java ebook is designed to help you make the most effective use of the Java™ programming language and its fundamental libraries, java.lang, java.util, and, to a lesser extent, java.util.concurrent and The Java book discusses other libraries from time to time, but it does not cover graphical user interface programming, enterprise APIs, or mobile devices.
This Java ebook consists of seventy-eight items, each of which conveys one rule. The rules capture practices generally held to be beneficial by the best and most experienced programmers. The items are loosely grouped into ten chapters, each concerning one broad aspect of software design. The free Java ebook is not intended to be read from cover to cover: each item stands on its own, more or less. The items are heavily cross-referenced so you can easily plot your own course through the ebook.
Many new features were added to the platform in Java 5 (release 1.5). Most of the items in this free Java ebook use these features in some way.
Most items are illustrated with program examples. A key feature of this Java ebook is that it contains code examples illustrating many design patterns and idioms. Where appropriate, they are cross-referenced to the standard reference work in this area [Gamma95].
Many items contain one or more program examples illustrating some practice to be avoided. Such examples, sometimes known as antipatterns, are clearly labeled with a comment such as “// Never do this!” In each case, the item explains why the example is bad and suggests an alternative approach.
download ebook link
Google Web Toolkit Solutions: More Cool & Useful Stuff
Google Web Toolkit Solutions: More Cool & Useful Stuff free ebook download.
Cu> Google Web Toolkit (GWT) is an open source Java development framework for building Ajax-enabled web applications. Instead of the hodgepodge of technologies that developers typically
ISBN: 0132344815, Author: David Geary, Publisher: Prentice Hall PTR, Pages: 408, Publication Date: 2007-11-17
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EXCEL 2007 CHARTS MADE EASY (Made Easy Series)
Get beyond the basics with Excel 2007 chartsNow you can take your Excel charting skills to the next level with help from this hands-on guide. Excel 2007 Charts Made Easy shows you how to upgrade from simple pie and
ISBN: 007160006X, Author: Kathy Jacobs, Publisher: McGraw-Hill Osborne Media, Pages: 207, Publication Date: 2008-10-24
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The One Page Project Manager for IT Projects: Communicate and Manage Any Project With A Single Sheet of Paper
Clark A. Campbell, author of a best-selling book on project management, has written a project management guide specifically for IT professionals who want to save time and work more efficiently. The One Page Project Manager for IT
ISBN: 047027588X, Author: Clark A. Campbell, Publisher: Wiley, Pages: 160, Publication Date: 2008-08-04
A Broadcast Engineering Tutorial for Non-Engineers, Third Edition
Important Updates!This third edition has been reorganized and updated throughout. It encompasses new standards and identifies and explains emerging digital technologies currently revolutionizing the industry. Additions include:."Broadcast
ISBN: 0240807006, Author: Graham Jones, Publisher: Focal Press, Pages: 328, Publication Date: 2005-04-27
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A Quick Guide to Pipeline Engineering, 1845694902
ISBN: 1845694902, Author: Duraid Alkazraji, Publisher: Woodhead Publishing Ltd, Pages: 176, Publication Date: 2008-03-30
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Encyclopedia of Environmental Ethics and Philosophy
MacMillan Reference Books | 2008-11-07 | ISBN: 0028661370 | 1127 pages | PDF | 24 MB
Examines the philosophical and ethical issues underlying contemporary and historical environmental issues, policies, and debates. Covers concepts, institutions, topics, events and people, including global warming, animal rights, environmental movements, alternative energy, green chemistry, industrial ecology, and eco-sabotage.
Critical Companion to William Faulkner: A Literary Reference to His Life And Work
Facts on File | 2008 | ISBN: 0816064326 | Pages: 562 | PDF | 4.02 MB
This comprehensive companion to Faulkner contains a variety of information for the student as well as being a handy reference to Faulkner's life and works for those curious about him. Fargnoli (theology and English, Molloy College, NY) Golay (history, Phillips Exeter Academy) and Hamblin (English, Center for Faulkner Studies, Southeast Missouri State University) begin with a short biography of Faulkner and his family. They note how his childhood and family history influenced his stories, as well as his emotional make up and alcoholic tendencies. The is followed by an annotated list of all Faulkner's short stories and novels with a synopsis, character list and excerpts from reviews. There is also a dictionary of subjects associated with Faulkner, from Civil War battles and generals to his publishers, fellow writers, his themes and friends such as Humphrey Bogart. Lastly the editors give a list of biographical works and literary studies for the serious scholar to consult.
Encyclopaedia Britannica 2009 Ultimate Reference Suite
Looking for facts? Look no further than the new Encyclopædia Britannica Ultimate Reference Suite 2009. Written by Nobel laureates, historians, curators, professors, and other notable experts; it is your trusted resource for research. Whether you are an entry-level, advanced, or student researcher, you will easily find what you need—simply select the version that is right for you. Three complete and easy-to-use encyclopedias designed for every age give you the most content available with over 100,000 articles.
Britannica is always striving to exceed its own high standards of quality, excellence, and accuracy, and this year is no exception. New features such as Great Minds and Britannica Workspace enhance this unbeatable resource. Along with Merriam-Webster Dictionary and Thesaurus entries, a complete world atlas, rich multimedia, and historic timelines, the Encyclopædia Britannica Ultimate Reference Suite 2009 provides extensive Internet resources and indispensable tools for school.
Encyclopaedia Britannica 2009 Ultimate Reference Suite
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eBook-e.guides Ancient Greece
DK CHILDREN | 2006 | ISBN: 0756619564 | Pages: 96 | PDF | 50.44 MB
More than 2,500 years ago, the people of ancient Greece created one of the most advanced and influential civilizations of the world. Greek civilization reached a peak between 500 and 336 b.c.e, a period called the Classical Age. The Greeks invented science, philosophy, theater, and politics, and also introduced the alphabet to Europe. Greek stories are still told today, and their plays performed. They were also wonderful artists and builders whose temples, such as the Parthenon in Athens, are still considered to be some of the most beautiful buildings in the world.
Educational Opportunities in Integrative Medicine: The A-to-Z Healing Arts Guide and Professional Resource Directory
The Hunter Press | 2008 | ISBN: 0977655245 | Pages: 312 | PDF | 1.55 MB
This all-in-one, up-to-date career and professional reference provides a comprehensive survey of integrative, alternative and complementary medicine therapies, their study and practice, for students as well as holistic practitioners. It covers the 11 major medical licenses – including natural and allopathic medicine, acupuncture, chiropractic, body and mind therapies and nursing – and 50 non-degree modalities such as ayurveda, herbal medicine, midwifery, biofeedback and yoga training. Modality history, philosophy, basic techniques and methods of each discipline are surveyed, along with career and training opportunities, licensure guidelines and salary information. With over 2,500 entries, it also features continuing education and postgraduate studies, conference and retreat centers, online resources and social networks, associations and research institutes, and major periodicals and publications. This book is a must-have desk resource for career seekers, students, holistic-minded healers and anyone interested in seeking out integrative medicine techniques and practitioners for themselves.
Britannica Guide to 100 Most Influential Scientists
Robinson Publishing | 2008-08-28 | ISBN: 1845298640 | 320 pages | PDF | 1,1 MB
Who are the most important men and women whose notions and theories have changed the world? When Isaac Newton claimed that he only saw further because he stood on the shoulders of giants, he alluded to the long list of geniuses that came before him. The history of science is the story of great discoveries, flashes of intuition that have changed the way people see the world, hard work and arduous calculation in the laboratory. "The Britannica Guide to 100 Most Influential Scientists" is a celebration of the lives and work of the men and women who have changed the way we look at the world, the universe, and ourselves.It includes contributions from top name scientists and writers such James Gleick on Richard Feynman; Michio Kaky on Einstein and Sir Harold Kroton on the Fulleriene (for which he won a Nobel Prize). "The Britannica Guide to 100 Most Influential Scientists" is introduced by John Gribbin. He is the author of nearly 100 popular science books, including the best-selling "In Search of Schrodinger's Cat". He has received awards for his writing both in the United States and in Britain. The holder of a PhD in astrophysics from the University of Cambridge, he still maintains links with research as a Visiting Fellow in Astronomy at the University of Sussex, and was a member of a team there that measured the age of the Universe. While still a student, he received the prestigious Annual Award of the Gravity Research Foundation in the United States, the only student, and the first Englishman working in England, ever to receive this award.
Olive Oil and Health
Product Description
Written by leading experts, this book reviews the current research evidence for the health benefits of a diet rich in olive oil. It focuses on the role of olive oil in reducing the incidence of certain types of cancer, cardiovascular diseases, inflammatory bowel disease and diabetes, and the effect of olive oil on the immune system.
Eight Simple Qigong Exercises for Health
Invigorate your body, improve blood and Qi (vital energy) circulation,
and strengthen your internal organs with these simple Qigong exercises
Ambulatory Colorectal Surgery
* Publisher: Informa HealthCare
* Number Of Pages: 424
* Publication Date: 2008-11-24
* ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0824727924
* ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780824727925
Product Description:
A great single-source reference encompassing all aspects of colorectal surgery, Ambulatory Colorectal Surgery.
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Handhelds in Medicine: A Practical Guide for Clinicians
* Publisher: Springer
* Number Of Pages: 468
* Publication Date: 2004-11-19
* ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0387403299
* ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780387403298
Product Description:
Have you ever wanted to calculate the predicted peak flow for one of your asthmatic patients without spending valuable minutes searching for that confounded little slide rule gizmo? Wouldn’t it be great if you could somehow remember all Mrs. Jones’ medications when the nursing home calls to see if it’s OK to treat her acutely elevated blood pressure with some atenolol?
Power Generation Technologies
This book is primarily about the ways of generating electricity. It does not cover the means of transporting electricity and delivering it to those who wish to use it. Nor does it treat, except obliquely, the political issues that attach themselves to electricity supply. What it does attempt, is to provide an explanation of all the myriad ways that man has devised to produce this most elusive of energy forms. The book is divided into chapters with one chapter devoted to each type of electricity generation. The explanations provided are thorough and
technical where necessary but do not resort to overly technical language where this can be avoided. Readers, who are seeking a full analysis of the thermodynamics of the heat engine, or the differential equations for solving the problem of turbine flow, will need to look elsewhere.
Synchronous Generators
Electric energy is a key ingredient in a community at the civilization level. Natural (fossil) fuels, such as coal, natural gas, and nuclear fuel, are fired to produce heat in a combustor, and then the thermal energy is converted into mechanical energy in a turbine (prime mover). The turbine drives the electric generator to produce electric energy. Water potential and kinetic energy and wind energy are also converted to mechanical energy in a prime mover (turbine) that, in turn, drives an electric generator. All primary energy resources are limited, and they have thermal and chemical (pollutant) effects on the environment. The present handbook takes an in-depth approach to both constant and variable-speed generator systems that operate in stand-alone and at power grid capacities. From topologies, through steady-state modeling and performance characteristics to transient modeling, control, design, and testing, the most representative standard and recently proposed electric generator systems are treated in ded cated chapters.
This handbook contains most parameter expressions and models required for full modeling, design, and control, with numerous case studies and results from the literature to enforce the assimilation of the art of electric generators by senior undergraduate students, graduate students, faculty, and, especially, by industrial engineers, who investigate, design, control, test, and exploit the latter for higher-energy conversion ratios and better control. This handbook represents a single-author unitary view of the multifaceted world of electric generators, with standard and recent art included. The handbook consists of two volumes: Synchronous Generators and Variable Speed Generators.
Handbook of Power Quality
The unique character of the book is a well-balanced one between a scientific approach and practical knowledge which can be used in everyday situations by people who have only a fundamental electrical engineering background. To reflect this, one of the first decisions taken by the authors was to illustrate each chapter with a case study of a practical application,
its measurements and solution. This multi-use approach makes the book very comprehensive, practice oriented and attractive for a relatively broad audience: namely, scientists looking for links between their specific domain and other PQ domains; engineers seeking a methodology and information on the identification, analysis and solution of a PQ problem; electricity users who need explanations of different PQ terms and definitions; managers looking for background information on the economic consequences of PQ; and students who require a comprehensive manual covering the whole spectrum of PQ.
Windpower Workshop - Build Your Own Wind Turbine
This book is written for those who want to build their own windmill, and also for those who love to dream. It was inpired by the windpower course at the Centre for Alternative Technology, an event where folk from all backgrounds come together to share the excitement of learning about windpower. Much has been omitted for lack of space, but you can find it elsewhere. For basic knowledge of electriciy, forces, and turning momnents, look through a school physics book.
Power System Relaying
Features problems to be worked through at the end of each chapter, Analyzes system performance through oscillographs and alarms schemes, Discusses in
detail the emerging technologies of adaptive relaying, hidden failures, wide area measurement, global positioning satellites and the pecific
application of digital devices. Power System Relaying offer comprehensive and accessible coverage of the theory and fundamentals of relaying and have
been widely adopted on university and industry courses worldwide.
The J & P Transformer Book, Twelfth Edition
Primarily the objective has been to provide a description of the principles of transformer design and construction, testing operation and maintenance, as well as specification and procurement, in sufficient depth to enable those engineers who have involvement with transformers in a system design, installation or maintenance capacity to become ‘informed users,’ and it is hoped that, in addition, all of that valuable operational guidance contained in earlier editions has been retained and made more relevant by being brought fully into line with current thinking. Above all, the hope is that the successful formula which has led to the enormous popularity of earlier editions has not been lost and it is hoped that the information contained in this edition will prove even more useful to today’s engineers than those editions which have gone before.
Expert .NET Micro Framework eBOOK (Expert) (Hardcover)
The Microsoft .NET Micro Framework is a small and efficient .NET runtime
environment used to run managed code on devices that are too small and
resource constrained for Windows CE and the Compact Framework.
Expert .NET Micro Framework will teach you everything you need to know
in order to use the .NET Micro Framework to create effective embedded
applications. It begins with the basics of accessing hardware and
networking before delving deep into the less well–known areas such as
cryptography and globalization, and how to use technologies such as
wireless communication that are not directly supported by the .NET Micro
Framework. This book is a must if you want to get as much as possible
out of the .NET Micro Framework to write powerful embedded applications.
Expert .NET Micro Framework also describes how to use resources, and
write globalized and multilingual embedded applications. You will learn
how to effectively use binary serialization to store data permanently in
flash memory or exchange data with a PDA or PC. Topics like cryptography
and encrypted data exchange with a .NET or Compact Framework application
are covered.
What you’ll learn:
- Describes and compares wireless communication technologies and how
to use them even if they are not directly supported by the .NET Micro
- Describes the whole class library and features of the .NET Micro
Framework, illustrated by working examples
- Demonstrates how to access hardware components with managed drivers
and write applications with a graphical user interface
- Includes a detailed description of how to effectively extend or
write hardware emulators using undocumented features of the
configuration engine and emulator components
Solaris Application Programming eBOOK
Solaris™ Application Programming is a comprehensive guide to optimizing
the performance of applications running in your Solaris environment.
From the fundamentals of system performance to using analysis and
optimization tools to their fullest, this wide-ranging resource shows
developers and software architects how to get the most from Solaris
systems and applications.
Whether you’re new to performance analysis and optimization or an
experienced developer searching for the most efficient ways to solve
performance issues, this practical guide gives you the background
information, tips, and techniques for developing, optimizing, and
debugging applications on Solaris.
The text begins with a detailed overview of the components that affect
system performance. This is followed by explanations of the many
developer tools included with Solaris OS and the Sun Studio compiler,
and then it takes you beyond the basics with practical, real-world
examples. In addition, you will learn how to use the rich set of
developer tools to identify performance problems, accurately interpret
output from the tools, and choose the smartest, most efficient approach
to correcting specific problems and achieving maximum system
Coverage includes:
- A discussion of the chip multithreading
(CMT) processors from Sun and how they change the way that developers
need to think about performance
- A detailed introduction to the performance analysis and optimization
tools included with the Solaris OS and Sun Studio compiler
- Practical examples for using the developer tools to their fullest,
including informational tools, compilers, floating point optimizations,
libraries and linking, performance profilers, and debuggers
- Guidelines for interpreting tool analysis output
- Optimization, including hardware performance counter metrics and
source code optimizations
- Techniques for improving application performance using multiple
processes, or multiple threads
- An overview of hardware and software components that affect system
performance, including coverage of SPARC and x64 processors
Download 50 Awesome Auto Projects for the Evil Genius
McGraw-Hill/TAB Electronics | 2005-11-22 | ISBN: 0071458239 | 206 pages | PDF | 18,3 MB
The Evil Genius format is the perfect "vehicle" for 50 incredible automotive projects that are compatible with any car, no matter what make, model, or year. Focusing on low-cost, easily obtained components, the book lists the items needed to complete each project along with a troubleshooting and repair section.
Medical eBooks Williams Obstetrics 22th edition
The leading text in obstetrics for over 100 years! Rigorously referenced and cohesively written, the hallmarks of Williams Obstetrics are its thoroughness and practical applicability for the obstetrician at the bedside. The book continues to maintain its strong evidence-based approach whereby management guidelines and recommendations are evaluated on analysis of the scientific literature.
Completely revised, this edition features:
*NEW ultrasound images integrated throughout
*NEW chapters on Obesity, Liver Disease, Prior Cesarean Delivery, and more
*REVISED basic science chapters a better focus on clinician daily practice need
Book Info:
Published in 2005
Published by McGraw Hill
Author Gary Cunningham
ISBN 0071413154
Medical eBooks Chest Journal - September 2007
Chest Journal - September 2007
American College of Chest Physicians | ISSN: 19313543 | Volume 132/Number 3 Supplement/September, 2007 | PDF | 2.5 MB
Table of content
Diagnosis and Management of Lung Cancer Executive Summary
Introduction: Diagnosis and Management of Lung Cancer
Methodology for Lung Cancer Evidence Review and Guideline Development
Epidemiology of Lung Cancer:
Lung Cancer Chemoprevention
Screening for Lung Cancer
Diagnostic Surgical Pathology in Lung Cancer
Evidence for the Treatment of Patients With Pulmonary Nodules: When Is It Lung Cancer?
Evaluation of Patients With Pulmonary Nodules: When Is It Lung Cancer?
Initial Diagnosis of Lung Cancer
Initial Evaluation of the Patient With Lung Cancer: Symptoms, Signs, Laboratory Tests, and Paraneoplastic Syndromes
Physiologic Evaluation of the Patient With Lung Cancer Being Considered for Resectional Surgery
Noninvasive Staging of Non-small Cell Lung Cancer
Invasive Mediastinal Staging of Lung Cancer
Bronchial Intraepithelial Neoplasia/Early Central Airways Lung Cancer
Treatment of Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Stage I and Stage II
Treatment of Non-small Cell Lung Cancer-Stage IIIA
Treatment of Non-small Cell Lung Cancer, Stage IIIB
Treatment of Non-small Cell Lung Cancer, Stage IV
Special Treatment Issues in Lung Cancer
Bronchioloalveolar Lung Cancer
Evidence for Management of Small Cell Lung Cancer
Management of Small Cell Lung Cancer
Complementary Therapies and Integrative Oncology in Lung Cancer:
Follow-up and Surveillance of the Lung Cancer Patient Following Curative Intent Therapy
Palliative Care in Lung Cancer
Palliative Care Consultation, Quality-of-Life Measurements, and Bereavement for End-of-Life Care in Patients With Lung Cancer
Magazine Science et Vie N1096 Janvier 2009
Science et Vie N1096 Janvier 2009
44MB | 140 Pages | PDF | french
MagazinecParis Match n°3110 du 24 Décembre 2008
Paris Match n°3110 du 24 Décembre 2008
116 Pages | 29MB | PDF | French
Magazaine L’Equipe 27 decembre 08
L’Equipe 27 decembre 08
PDF | 4Mb | 13 Pages | French
eBook Entangled World: The Fascination of Quantum Information and Computation
Jürgen Audretsch “Entangled World: The Fascination of Quantum Information and Computation”
Wiley-VCH | 2006-03-10 | ISBN: 3527404708 | 312 pages | PDF | 22,9 Mb
In the quantum world, a particle can behave like a wave and accordingly seems to be in two places at the same time. This of course is contradictory to our daily experiences with classical particles. How then should this be understood? What happens in the transitional area between the classical world and quantum mechanics? The present book answers exciting questions like these in a way that is easy to follow and to understand and is shows that the link between these two worlds will have concrete and applied effects on our daily life in the near future. It will, for example, improve and change the conventional methods of information processing. With the help of quantum cryptography, it will be possible to communicate tap-proof. Using quantum computers we will be able to solve highly complicated problems in a very short time.
eBook The Geometry of Time
Dierck-Ekkehard Liebscher “The Geometry of Time”
Wiley-VCH | 2005-05-06 | ISBN: 3527405674 | 253 pages | PDF | 5,1 Mb
A description of the geometry of space-time with all the questions and issues explained without the need for formulas. As such, the author shows that this is indeed geometry, with actual constructions familiar from Euclidean geometry, and which allow exact demonstrations and proofs. The formal mathematics behind these constructions is provided in the appendices.
The result is thus not a textbook introducing readers to the theory of special relativity so they may calculate formally, but rather aims to show the connection with synthetic geometry. It presents the relation to projective geometry and uses this to illustrate the starting points of general relativity. Written at an introductory level for undergraduates, this novel presentation will also benefit teaching staff.
eBook Physik für technische Berufe: Grundlagen, Versuche, Aufgaben, Lösungen
Alfred Böge, Jürgen Eichler “Physik für technische Berufe: Grundlagen, Versuche, Aufgaben, Lösungen”
Vieweg+Teubner | 2008-03 | ISBN: 3834803421 | 388 pages | PDF | 6,31 MB
Ohne physikalische Grundlagen lassen sich die Hintergründe für technische Vorgänge nicht verstehen. Dieses bewährte Lehr-, Lern- und Arbeitsbuch umfasst die physikalischen Themen, die für die technische Ausbildung gebraucht werden. Der Aufbau ist übersichtlich und das didaktische Konzept der Zweispaltigkeit überzeugend. In der linken Spalte steht der Lehrtext und rechts daneben werden die Lehrinhalte durch Rechnungen und Zeichnungen erläutert und visualisiert. Das theoretische Wissen wird durch Aufgaben gefestigt und kann durch die Lösungen kontrolliert werden. Alle wichtigen Gleichungen sind am Ende des Buches in einer Formelsammlung zusammengefasst. In der 11. Auflage wurden ein Kapitel zur Atomphysik ergänzt, ein Beitrag zur Supraleitung aufgenommen und wichtige Leserzuschriften berücksichtigt.
eBook Developing an Online Curriculum: Technologies and Techniques
Lynnette R. Porter,«Developing an On-line Curriculum: Technologies and Techniques»
Information Science Publishing | ISBN: 1591401364 | PDF | 1,11 Mb | 350 Pages | 2003
eBook CompTIA A+ Practice Questions Exam Cram (Essentials, Exams 220-602, 220-603, 220-604) (2nd Edition) (Exam Cram 2)
Charles J. Brooks “CompTIA A+ Practice Questions Exam Cram (Essentials, Exams 220-602, 220-603, 220-604) (2nd Edition) (Exam Cram 2)”
Que | 2008-01-08 | ISBN: 0789735660 | 408 pages | PDF | 1,2 Mb
The Smart Way to Study™
Covers the critical information you’ll need to know
to score higher on the A+ Exams!
Features more than 850 questions organized according to the Essentials, IT Technician, Remote Support Technician, and Depot Technician exam objectives so you can easily assess your knowledge of each topic.
Each question includes a detailed explanation of answers.
Use our innovative Quick-Check Answer System™ to quickly find answers as you work your way through the questions.
Charles J. Brooks is currently co-owner and vice president of Educational Technologies Group Inc., as well as co-owner of eITPrep LLP, an online training company. He is in charge of research and product development at both organizations. A former electronics instructor and technical writer with the National Education Corporation, Charles taught and wrote on post-secondary EET curriculum, including introductory electronics, transistor theory, linear integrated circuits, basic digital theory, industrial electronics, microprocessors, and computer peripherals. Charles has authored several books, including the first five editions of A+ Certification Training Guide, The Complete Introductory Computer Course, and IBM PC Peripheral Troubleshooting and Repair. He also writes about networking, residential technology integration, and convergence.
CD Features MeasureUp Practice Questions!
All questions in this book are included on the CD, giving you yet another effective tool to assess your readiness for all four A+ exams.
MeasureUp’s innovative test product features multiple test modes and questions that simulate an actual A+ Exam, and detailed answer explanations of correct and incorrect answers, among other features.
Random questions and order of answers.