
Language eBook The Pronunciation of English

A Course Book
By Charles W. Kreidler
Blackwell Publishing


Each of the 14 chapters begins with one or more paragraphs which are intended to tell briefly the content of the chapter. Each ends with a summary, which briefly reviews the content of the chapter and also tries to show the importance of what has been treated, or to describe some problems in analyzing not taken up within the chapter. The last section, called Notes, suggests readings in other books for those who want to extend their exploration of these topics. Linguistics, like every academic discipline, has its own technical terms, and some of them are used in this book. These terms are in bold print when they are first introduced. Some of the terms, such as suffix, may already be familiar to you; some, like allophone, are likely to be new; and some will probably be familiar to you but you will find that they are used here in a more specialized way; accent, assimilation, and stop are examples. The Glossary provides definitions or explanations, with examples.

The Pronunciation of English